“What is it?” I ask dumbly, handing the photo back to him. He pushes it back in my hands, his face grim.

“It’s your old suite in my building. Look in the corners there.” I squint and try to see what he’s talking about. My heart drops. “There were cameras all over the place, Natalie. Blake turned your place into a fucking spy zone.”

I clasp my hand over my mouth, my knees feeling weak.He’s been spying on me.All this time, I thought it was my fault. That I was stupid or forgetful, not closing the blinds. Feeling guilty for what I did in the privacy of my home.

And he waswatching. All this time!Fuck!

“Natalie, are you alright? Do you want to sit down?” I shake my head and calm my racing heart.

“So, what….” My throat feels dry and scratchy. Roger reaches out, and this time, I let him. His hand on mine feels so good. He squeezes it gently, and I suddenly feel a little stronger. “What’s going on then? What happens now?”

“Well,” Roger pulls his hand away and I get nervous. “Natalie, I know this is a lot for you and I understand if you don’t want to —”

“Oh, Jesus, Roger, just say it.” I’ve had about all I can take, and my anxiety is through the roof. If one more person approaches me with the ‘hey can we talk’ voice, I’ll tear my hair out.

“I want to sue the shit out of that son of a bitch.”

What?I look at him, flabbergasted.

“I’ve got a team of lawyers together, building an airtight case. I want that bastard to lose everything. I want him to pay for everything he did to you.”

Well, now, that suits me just fine. I take Roger’s face in my hands and kiss him deeply. Never in my life has someone presented me with such a precious gift. The chance to reclaim my life and take Blake down at the same time.

Suddenly, there’s a bout of cheering and I pull away from Roger, alarmed. He looks stunned, his mouth open as he continues to reach for me.Shit,I think, as I try to find the source of the cheers.Is it someone’s birthday?

“Little lamb!” Mama calls and rushes over with the rest of the family. “We have heard your pretty man talk. S’cuse us for listening, sir,” she gives him a wink and Roger grins.

“No trouble at all.”

“We hear all that he will do to that nasty Western man, tchu!” She spits and the rest of the family follows suit. “I am so happy for you! May we all receive such justice in this world!”

The family cheers, and Papa and the boys grab Roger’s hands to pull him up, shaking his hand and giving him big slaps on the back. Mama has my hand in hers, and is patting it soothingly, overjoyed.

I burst into laughter watching Roger surrounded by all these burly men, taking it in stride. He catches my eye and the way he looks at me makes me want to pull him into the pantry for some much-needed alone time.

“Listen, listen, everyone!” Mama calls to the restaurant. “Desserts all around!”

“Mama!” Papa whines, but she shushes him. He waves her off, and she beams, turning to the restaurant again.

“Angelo, you bring the baklava, the fresh batch, everyone, eat!” Mama dances off to the kitchen with Angelo, and I feel Roger’s hand slide into mine. I bring it to my lips and kiss his knuckles tenderly.

“Thank you.”