This son of a bitch.

Blake sighs and takes his napkin out, grimacing at the quality before he drops it to the ground. “Whoops... Won’t you pick that up, sweetheart?”

I grind my teeth so hard; I can hear it. I stoop to pick it up slowly when he grabs my wrist and pulls me in. The table near us raises their eyebrows, but I try to smile and dampen the situation.

“Let go of me,” I say calmly, but Blake shakes his head.

“Are you ready to give in, Natalie?” He coos as he runs his fingers up my arm. I shudder involuntarily. “Are you ready to take me back?” I rip my hand from his grip so hard, I stumble backward.

The table nearby is definitely alarmed, but I’m hoping they’ll keep their mouths shut.Don’t make a scene,I beg in my head,Don’t make a scene!

“Stubborn as always,” he chuckles. “I’m doing all this for you, baby. You know that, don’t you? I’m doing this to get you back. This is your fault, Nat. It didn’t have to be this way — ”

“My fault?” I hiss, trying to keep my voice down.

Blake nods solemnly.

“I didn’t want it to be like this. I told you, I love you, honey. But you ran off with that fucking tool, Roger —”

“You keep his name out of your mouth, you son of a bitch,” I whisper, my jaw clenched. Blake raises an eyebrow and adjusts his collar. A tell-tale sign he’s getting mad.

“Temper, Nat. Now, if you’re finished being a stubborn, fucking child, how about you and I blow this dump and hash it out over a couple beers, huh?” He raises an eyebrow, and something within me snaps.

“Let me ask you something,sir, why in God’s name would I take someone back who is actively trying to ruin my life?”

Blake throws his head back and laughs, he fuckinglaughs.

“I already told you, Natalie, I’m not to blame here! If you and your little toy didn’t want all the attention, you should’ve thought of that before you fucked him in my suite —”

“Shut your mouth, Blake. I’m warning you.” I hiss, as the table near us gets up to leave. I’m trying to watch them out of my periphery, terrified they’ll complain. But, what’s the use? Blake’s already won, hasn’t he?

This job is over.

“You’re warning me? That’s rich. Now you can continue to lose everything, or you can have it all. With me.”

“Go to hell,” I hiss, allowing my voice to get louder. If I’ve already lost the job, I might as well go down fighting. Blake shakes his head.

“What do you have to gain by going against me, baby? I’ll find you. I’llalwaysfind you. And I’m not gonna stop until you realize what a terrible fucking idea it was to leave me. I’m not gonna stop until you take me back.”

“You can wait until hell freezes over, Blake, because that will never happen —”

“Don’t make me do something we’ll both regret, Natalie,” Blake warns, and his eyes flash with fury.

I’ve had enough.


Without another word, I take the hot cup of Greek coffee, still steaming at the table, and dump it on his lap, letting the cup fall on his balls. The shrieking that ensues is music to my ears.