He sizes up the place. “Might end up being an improvement,” he shrugs. “Just outta curiosity, we gonna be tearing down the whole city, Mr. Zane?”

If I have to, I think.

“Who cares? Just strip this one.” I don’t like being curt with a guy as kind and loyal as Dennis, but I’m running out of time.

“No prob.” He nods to his crew, and they hop to it.

The noise is fast and deafening, so I step into the dingy hallway outside the apartment to make a call.

“How’s the roach motel?” Gerald asks when he answers the phone.

“I’d be doing humanity a favor if I razed it to the ground and salted the earth,” I state.

“Sounds about right,” he agrees. “So, what do you need now? If you tell me we’re purchasing property in Newark, New Jersey, I quit, by the way.”

“Real estate’s on hold for the moment,” I say quickly. “In fact, I’m wondering how you’d feel about changing gears.”

“Oh?” Gerald asks, his interest piqued.

“Anyone in the firm as good at criminal prosecution as you all are at real estate law?”