
Iarrive at Natalie’s building downtown.

Immediately, I realize why Gerald was so appalled when I told him I wanted to buy this place. I paid hardly anything for the property, but just one look at the building’s façade makes it clear to me I still got ripped off. I wouldn’t be surprised to find human-sized bed bugs lounging in the stairwell, smoking cigarettes and drinking forties, just as comfortably as you like.

The keys I picked up from Gerald this morning aren’t even necessary. The lock on the ‘security’ door clearly hasn’t worked in years, and I step right into the foyer. I scan the mailboxes for Natalie’s name. It’s not there. My stomach drops. I pray she hasn’t slipped through my fingersagain.

The TV is blaring from behind the door of the landlord’s first-floor apartment. I have to bang on it several times before a squat man in a sleeveless shirt opens the door. His shorts are stained with what I hope is only mustard, spaghetti sauce and mayo. He has more hair on his bare shoulders than he does on the top of his head. His nose looks like it’s been broken more than once, and he finally stopped bothering to get it fixed. There’s a slice of pizza dripping sauce from one of his hands.

“What the fuck do you want?” he asks, his mouth full.Charming guy.

“You’re lucky I don’t throw you out on the street.” His eyes go wide. “I own this building.”

“No, you don’t. Some guy named Zane just bought it.” He takes another bite of pizza. I stare at him and wait for it to sink it. His neanderthal brain finally puts two-and-two together. “Oh, shit, Mr. Zane, sorry about that…”

He sets the pizza down on a little table by the door. Then he wipes the grease off his hands and onto his shirt, holding it out to shake mine. I decline the offer.

“Which apartment is Natalie Ashcroft in?” I ask.

“Natalie Ashcroft…?” I wait for his slug mind to match a name to a face. His eyes light up and he looks back at me.

“Oh. The sexy one?” he asks salaciously. He licks more grease off his fingers.

I decide Iwillhave this asshole fired and thrown out on the street as soon as I’m done here.

“Yeah,” he says dimly, “she turned in her keys and packed out already.”

You’ve got to be kidding me. I deflate a little, my shoulders sagging. I take a deep breath.Refocus.There’s still work to be done. “What apartment was she in?”

He gives me the number and I make my way up, killing three cockroaches as I go. It pains me to think of Natalie living in this dump. Truth be told, it pains me to think ofanyoneliving in this dump. I start mentally noting all the changes and repairs I’m going to make to this place now that it’s mine.

Inside Natalie’s old place, I come up short. It still smells like her. Under the mildewy aroma that permeates this whole building, I catch the faint scent of her perfume.

For a moment, I’m transported back to our evenings together. Not just in bed. But talking with her, holding her, falling asleep beside her. A rush of emotion comes with the memories. All of it serves to strengthen my resolve.

I get to work. Look around the apartment, scoping it out like I did her empty rooms in the other place she vacated. Despite the horrible condition of theis place, I still don’t expect to find any clues visible to the naked eye. But that’s all right though. I planned for that.

I check my watch. Dennis and his crew should be here any minute. In the meantime…

Natalie’s friend’s number is still in my phone. Look, Natalie got away from me the first time. When Josie called me the night she was having dinner with Natalie, I made sure to save her number just in case Natalie tries to leave me again.

I Facetime her so I don’t have to go through the rigamarole of explaining it’s really me. That shit gets old fast.

She’s quite loud when she answers the phone. “Oh my God, Roger Zane!”

“Hey, Josie.”

“To what do I owe the honor?” She’s clearly in a store somewhere, holding up various items of clothing to her body as we talk.

“I’m trying to track down Natalie.”

“Oh, yeah?” I can tell she’s stalling for time.

“Yeah. Look, Josie, it’s important.”

“Have you tried her place?” She’s trying to keep her expression neutral, but it’s obvious she knows more than she’s letting on. I’m glad Natalie has such a loyal friend even if it’s the last thing I need right now.

“She’s not there,” I inform Josie.