
Sexy morning time ends in a fucking flash.

She whirls on me. The dragon-fire in her eyes making me take a step back.What did I do?

“What the fuck is this?” she demands and shoves her phone into my hand.

Oh, fuck me… It’s a bunch of pictures from the night I went out after she and I first had sex. The good news is, these pictures help fill in some of the gaps I still have about that night. The bad news is, what fills those gaps doesnotmake me look good.

“You want to explain this?” she asks again.

Not really. “I mean…” I stammer.

“We hadjusthad sex, and you snuck out to go clubbing?”

“No, I snuck out to –” I stop because I swear to God, I see smoke come out her nose as she huffs. Let’s backtrack a second.

“First of all, I didn’t sneak out! It was – we’d just – I thought it was best if we didn’t wake up together the next morning because I didn’t know where things stood, y’know? So I went back to my place to take a shower and… and…” I find myself at a loss for words, so I end lamely with, “AndthenI went clubbing.”

She purses her lips in a rage and yanks the phone out of my hand. “You son-of-a-bitch.”

I try to defend myself as best I can. “Look, I don’t evenrememberdoing half that shit.”

“Is that supposed to make itbetter?”

That’s probably a trick question, but I answer it anyway because I’m an idiot. “I don’t know… Does it?”

“No! It makes it a lot fucking worse!”

She storms away from me, into the bedroom. She throws sheets and pillows around, looking for her clothes. As she goes, she throws off my shirt, so she’s just in her panties. It’s both sexy and terrifying; like ‘Woman: Unleashed’, the feminine mystique weaponized against me.

I stand in the doorway of the bedroom, watching her helplessly. “Please, Natalie. Would you let me explain?”

“Oh, sure! I’m all ears.” She stops her search, hands on her hips and stares me down.

I make sure to maintain eye contact as opposed to staring at her exposed breasts.

OK,I think,Fuck. Well,let’s see if I can crawl my way out of this hole.

“So, we’d just had sex,” I begin. “Really, really incredible sex, and then you fell asleep. So, I went back to my place, but I still had all this energy because of what we just shared. You made me feel… incredible. And I didn’t know what to do with all that energy. So, I did the only thing I knew how to do. It was all because ofusthough, you see? I had to do something with all the – thestuffyou made me feel.”

She nods like she’s considering what I’ve said. “I should be flattered then?”

That’sdefinitelya trick question. I’m proud of myself as I side-step it. “It’s just that, if you hadn’t fallen asleep so quick, I probably wouldn’t have needed to go out clubbing.”

I’m definitely only digging myself a deeper hole with that one. I can’t testify under oath that she breathes fire, but I’m pretty sure she does. I brace myself, expecting her to slap me again.

But it’s worse than that. Her voice goes eerily calm and quiet.

“Get out,” she says.


“Get out. Get thefuckout. Right now.”

I look around me, totally at a loss. I look back at her. “It’s my penthouse.”

You wouldn’t think it’s possible for her to become even more enraged, but she surprises me yet again.