Security (if that’s what you can call him) totters after me until we reach the door. “Thank you, I can take it from here,” I smile and he nods, clearly confused.

“Uh, sure. Nice work, by the way,” he says in sotto voce and chucks a thumb back toward the office. One of the other staff members comes rushing in to see the action and he straightens up immediately. “And, don’t come back!”

“That won’t be a problem,” I head out and decide I need the walk back to my place. I’ve got to get my head on straight; plus, I might as well save some cash from cab fare. I realize too late that there are tears stinging my eyes.

I have to face it.

Any career in my industry is over. Shit, I may even have to leave the city. The pictures went live just a few days ago, including images of the lunch with Roger. Plus, some even more salacious ones from our second night together.

I grumpily bump past some slow-walking tourists. Why is sex between consenting adults such a fucking crime? It’s infuriating! It’s not wrong to fuck. It’s the 21st century, for heavens’ sake.

The walk calms me down, but it’s far too short. What did I expect from a shithole newspaper? Of course, it’s easy walking distance from my shitty apartment. As I round the corner, my chateau comes into view.

Fuck. The whole damned thing is under a tent like it’s the world’s shittiest circus. I clench my jaw and walk up to the notice.Attention! Restricted Pesticide on Premises.No shit, Sherlock. They’re fumigating for lice on zero notice.

Excellent. This is just fucking perfect.

Now what am I supposed to do? I reach for my phone and my fingers find Roger’s number.

No.Not him. He’s been on radio silent since I left.

Did I break up with him without meaning to? I scoff to myself,you can’t break up if you weren’t in a relationship, stupid.

Or, were we? That’s the funny thing about Roger, I’m afraid our adult conversations are few and far between.

Adult-rated sure, but as far as being open and honest about our feelings, we’re both steel traps. Either way, I can’t reach out to him now. Not like this.

But I need help.

I have no clothes, no food, no roof over my head. Everything I own is in this purse and that goddamn apartment. I didn’t want to bother her, but think I have to get in touch with the only friend I have left.

With a sigh, I punch in her number. It rings once before I hear her shriek on the other end.

“Babe! Oh my God, I’ve been so worried about you! I’m sorry I haven’t called, but it’s been a madhouse since you left! Gabby, as you know, is acuntand I can’t —”

“Hi, Josie,” I shout, laughing. It feels good to hear her voice; her piercing, shrieking voice. “Josie... JOSIE!” I yell over her and hear her mumble something about Facetime.

Oh, great.

“There she is!” Josie claps a hand over her mouth, and I see very real tears well in her eyes. We’ve switched over to video for all of three seconds before she’s crying.Oy vey.

“Oh, Christ, don’t start woman,” I moan as I stare at the screen.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” She wails and fans her eyes, “I just miss you is all. I can’t believe this place, after everything you did —”

“I know. I know.” Her appreciation is touching, but she’s still screaming into the phone and the strange looks from passersby are making me nervous. “Listen, I know this is crazy and short notice, but my place is being fumigated for lice —”

“Oh GOD!” She yells, which startles some poor tourists. I mouth ‘sorry’ to them with a shrug and try to shush her.

“It’s not a big deal, I should be able to get back in tomorrow, but Joze… I don’t have anywhere to stay tonight, and I was hoping —”

“Oh my God, come over! Get your ass over here, Natalie! Fuck, it’ll be like a slumber party! Oh my God, I can’t wait, where are you? I’m sending a car!” Her screen pauses as she starts punching in numbers, and I feel a familiar swell in my heart.

This is why she was my best friend at work. Is she a lot of personality? Yes. Did she immediately come to my defense when this shit went down? No.

But she’s still there for me.

I give her my address, and she comes back on Facetime to give me a hard stare.