
“Thank you, I understand... Yes, thank you for your time... Okay. Bye then.” I hit the end button and drop my phone on the couch, watching it bounce before settling a couple of cushions away.

Well, it’s been a thoroughly demoralizing day. I just hung up with the last phone call in a very long line of failed attempts. I’ve called every single major fashion magazine where I know someone — and I’m talkinglooseconnections here — trying to get a fucking interview.

No one is biting; not even as a junior editor or copywriter. Hell, I probably couldn’t get a job fetching coffee for the junior editor. I run my hands through my hair and sigh, sinking further into the plush sofa.

All told, I’m feeling pretty shitty. Not even my favorite, most comfortable couch is cheering me up. Although, looking around this room, this amazing place, thishome… I’m grateful to have the next few weeks here at least.

My phone lights up and I lunge for it.Damn, just a reminder that I was supposed to have a board meeting today to discuss next month’s issue.Delete. Delete. Delete.I drop the phone down again and stare at the high ceiling.

If another job doesn’t pan out soon, I really don’t feel comfortable relying on someone’s charity, even someone as good-looking and insanely excellent in bed as Roger Zane. Not only is my pride at stake, but how will it look?

I’ve already been raked through the tabloids, once they figure out I’m living here rent-free, I can just see the headlines — ‘Sugar Baby’ or ‘Escort’ or ‘Roger Zane’s New Ho’. I groan at the thought. It’s not even close to true.

If anything, it feels more like a relationship. I clasp my hand over my mouth. Oh, no, that’s going to look even worse! That I’m suddenly dating a handsome, ultra-wealthy business mogul.

Actually, to hell with it...

Why would it be such a big deal if we just…dated?Make an honest woman outta me. As a matter of fact, it might actually legitimize the whole thing, right? I mean, who would get mad at a normal couple being intimate, if they’re together.

It’s just committed, boring, monogamous, raucous and flexible fucking. My face heats up as I look about the suite and remember each and every corner I’ve been bent over, standing up, or flat on my back.

Sure, it’s a little salacious, but it’s not a scandal! Lots of people have crazy sex. And no one’s knocking down their doors, or skulking on their lunch dates and firing them for no reason!

Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door and my heart starts to race. Did I just jinx myself with the knocking down the door thing? What else could they take from me at this point? I have a pair of heels that cost a fortune, but besides that, I’m a pretty smart shopper…

The knock comes again, and I jump.Okay, Natalie, calm down. This is not a horror flick.I smooth my hair and slick it back into a ponytail. If there’s someone shitty on the other side of that door, I’m ready for business.

I fling it open only to find a startled-looking Roger with a giant bag in his hands and a smaller one between his teeth.

“Wha—, wa tha fo?” He muffles and I reach up to pull the little bag out of his mouth. It’s warm and smells like garlicky heaven.

“Thanks,” he grins. “What’s with the dramatic door opening?”

“Oh, I just…” I grow shy. I don’t want him to know I’m afraid of the paparazzi. I don’t want him to think I’m afraid of anything. “I’ve got an interview for a professional door opener, and I’m trying it out.”

Yikes, I internally cringe.

“I see,” Roger gives me a sideways smile. “You sure you weren’t expecting someone else?”

I sigh and move to the side so he can come in, not wanting to talk about it.

“He’s not better looking than I am, right?”

“Oh, shut up,” I laugh as I push him inside and close the door. “To be honest, I was worried some reporter had wandered up to the top floor.”

“I don’t think that’ll happen,” Roger says as he puts the bag down. There’s a little tear near the top, even through such a small vent, the flavors come wafting toward me. It smellsamazing.

“Why’s that?” I ask, my mouth damn near watering from the food — and the company.

“The lobby’s under strict orders to check bags of unknown personnel or guests. Anyone found with a camera or recording equipment with no alibi will be escorted off the premises.”

Christ, he’s thought of everything.

“It’s to protect me, too, you know,” he laughs.

“I see. So, what’s all this?” I ask as I gesture to the bags before us.