“I’m just not sure where to start. I built this life for myself. Having it all ripped away is just… too much. Not sure when you last browsed the internet for housing, but it’s a scary world out there, my friend.”

I take another sip and continue, “The next time you see me, I’m gonna be roomies with Stacey and River, two out-of-town dropouts with big dreams of opening a vape shop from our living room or something like that…”

“Hey,” Roger puts a hand on my knee, and I feel my thigh tense under the pressure. A familiar heat radiates through my body, I’d like to blame the wine, but I know better.

“I feel like this is all partially, if not completely, my fault,” Roger says as he eyes me seriously. “I know you’re already pretty organized, but… how about you stay here instead?”

“I just told you —”

“I know,” he cuts me off with a squeeze in the thigh. “But, what if you could stay here, for free? From this night forward. I’d like to offer that, if you let me.”

Oh my God. All I can do is stare at him with my mouth open. Like a knight in shining armor, he just swoops in and rescues me from a terrible cockroach-infested fate.

I’m so moved, I almost feel myself tearing up. I mean, I’d like to say, ‘oh no, I’ve got a much better option than living rent-free in this luxury suite’, but… here we are. His hand tightens on my thigh again.Here we are, indeed.

He puts down his glass and reaches for mine. I finish it in one sip first, and he laughs before setting it down next to his.

“Won’t you let me do that for you?” he asks as he slides closer to me on the couch. “Please,” he whispers in my ear before he nips at my earlobe. I gasp and run my hands down his hard-muscled front, letting them glide over the growing bulge in his pants.

I can’t answer him yet, but judging by the way things are heating up, I don’t think he’ll mind if I wait just a little longer. His lips meet mine and he pushes me backward onto the couch. One hand explores the curves of my body, while the other keeps him hovering above me.

I kiss him back with fervor before undoing the buttons of his sleek work shirt. He slides his tongue in my mouth, and I moan in delight. The sound sends him reeling as he presses his hardness against me. I’m already desperate to feel him inside me again, and I work at his pants.

He pulls his mouth from mine and grabs my hand as my fingers slip inside his pants.

“What?” I ask, breathless. A wicked grin spreads across his face as he sits back on his heels and slides his hands up my thigh and under my skirt.

“Lucky me,” he says as he realizes my tights end at my thighs. “I wanna see.”

He pushes up my skirt, revealing the lacy tops of my tights with their matching panties. What can I say? When I’m feeling down, I control only what I can. Matching underwear was all I could handle today, and I’m utterly grateful for it.

“Oh, yes,” he breathes in ecstasy as he lowers his mouth to my thighs. I gasp at the contact of his soft lips. His palms squeeze my thighs before his finger flicks aside the flimsy lace. He slides one inside and I moan, gripping the side of the couch for support.

He pulls out his finger, and, with expert dexterity, rips my underwear in half. “Hey!” I yelp as I look down. His head pops up for a moment.

“I’ll buy you a dozen,” he lowers his head and suddenly, I feel his wet, slick tongue snake up my folds before entering. All is forgiven. Does he want the skirt, too? I got it on sale — rip away!

He digs his fingertips into my hips as he thrusts his tongue further inside me. I can say without a doubt, I have never felt so fucking phenomenal in my entire life. I spread my legs, and he moans inside me, flicking his tongue to my clit in between thrusts.

Oh my God, this is heaven.

Little stars are dancing across my line of vision as my thighs spasm at each lick and thrust. He pushes me closer and closer to my breaking point, and I tangle my fingers in his hair, pressing my foot against the table for leverage.

This man is a goddamn professional. His thumb slides up as he works to circle my clit, not letting up until I’m past the breaking point and thrusting myself into his wanting mouth, riding wave after wave of divine pleasure.

I gasp and sit up to stare at him, this sexy, surprisingly thoughtful, sex extraordinaire. If the penthouse has this kind of amenity, I may just stay for life.