“I don’t want to hear another word!” the board member sighs heavily. He takes a moment to regain his composure by dotting the beads of sweat in his forehead with an Armani handkerchief. “Ms. Ashcroft, you have been an asset to this company, but you gave us your word your private life would give us no further trouble.”

“It seems you cannot survive even a lunch break without revoking that promise.” Another shareholder jumps in, “We have no choice.”

My hammering heart stops for a moment as the realization sinks in. “Ms. Aschcroft, I’m afraid we’ll have to let you go.”

Let me go...Let me go?I can’t believe this is happening. One minute I’m flying high, just out of court and ready to double down on this career I’ve sacrificed and worked so hard for, and now? Mr. Green steps forward, his face troubled.

“Please take your time to collect yourself, Ms. Ashcroft. You have until the end of the week to clear out your office. I know this company has meant a great deal to you, and I assure you, your position will remain in good hands. Ms. Green has already volunteered to handle your responsibilities and will be named your immediate replacement.”

Of. Fucking. Course.Daddy promised.

I can just see Gabby with her ear smooshed up against the crack in the door, squealing upon hearing her name announced to the room. It’s all unreal. I feel so utterly blindsided, so numb. I’m not even angry.

I nod to the board members and say ‘I understand’ although really, I’m just robotically going through the motions. I’m breathing, I’m staring at the table, (the tableIchose when I redesigned this entire space), and I’m trying to think back to where it all went wrong.

How could one night of, admittedly, incredible sex wreak such havoc?

The shareholders finally stand up, and I somehow even manage to smile as they shuffle out of the boardroom. Mr. Green is the last to go, and says something about ‘giving me space’.

The door closes with a click, and I’m left alone, staring over Manhattan.What the fuck.I stand up and move to the glass, gazing out at the skyline. I look down at all the little ant-people scurrying to and fro below.

I built this empire. Me.

I think back when one of the shareholders spat out that this place was a temple, a place I was privileged to work at. This may be a temple, but it was built on my back.

God, I remember the beginning, when we rented this floor of offices, for chrissakes. And now, we own the building. Well,theyown the building.

It’s been my work; my optimism; my willingness to take risks; to stick my neck out that has led this company to where it is today. And yet, someone somehow took some shitty photos of me the one night I let myself have some fun, and I’m to blame. I slam my fist against the glass.

Now I’m angry.

This company that I’ve given so much to could have backed me up. They could have taken my side and said to the world —these photos are horrifying, that they have been taken without my consent, and that this company will stand by me and take legal action against whoever is responsible!

We could have spun this in our PR, we could have worked with this to our advantage if they’d just given me half a second to speak! The tears sting my eyes as I let my hands fall to my side. Gabby Green is in my office as we speak, probably ‘helping’ me with the move.

This company will go on.

And me?

I’m out on my ass.