

Dark gray clouds blocked out the sun, and the wind whipped the sails. The storm hit faster than I planned. I ran to the helm, taking it from Havoc.

“We should turn around, away from the tempest,” he said, stepping aside.

“We can push through. She’s still miles out from us.”


“Necessary,” I added. “The men put on the storm sails at port. We’re prepared.”

Havoc shouted at the crew, prepping them for what we were about to sail in to. I took off my hat, leaving just the black bandana on, and shoved it in a wooden box behind the helm. I’d sailed plenty of wild seas. A little wind and squalls wouldn’t keep me from this delivery.

Water droplets sprayed across my face as we moved forward, steering with the waves. The muscles in my forearms flexed with each turn. Keeping the bow pointed into the oncoming swells would ensure we survived.

“Batten down the hatches, boys,” I yelled. “We’re in for a long one!”

In deep tones, the crew started singing a chantey, preparing their minds, and getting into a rhythm. I tapped my foot, gazing at the darkness ahead and the lightning that arced high in the clouds. It wouldn’t be long before the rain pelted our hands and clothes, but my crew was a hardy one, built to survive where others perished. A crew I’d selected and trained.

TheRavagermoved with the waves, each one increasing in size. “Hold steady, girl.”

Depending on the length of the storm, we could be at this for hours.

Ah, how I wish I’d be spending those hours in a different manner.

How could a fine woman want to travel to the Oasis alone? Her explanation seemed trite. She could continue lying to me, her coin allowed her that privilege, but it was unnecessary. I’d keep her close and find out the truth soon enough. In the meantime, I had no qualms about spending time around her. Human males never appreciated what their females looked like. They didn’t care about the soft creamy skin, brilliant bright eyes, or how their scent held a sweet aroma unlike any other in Saol.

I’d tasted many females, breathed in their uniqueness until it lingered on my senses like a heavy perfume. Havana’s scent reminded me of the orchids that grew along the courtyards of the Oasis, a fitting fragrance for one so delicate and pure.

I allowed my mind to wander to the curves of her slender form. If I had to spend the night steering theRavager, I would do so by entertaining myself on all the places I wanted to explore on that human.

Starting with those pretty pink lips.

Declan ran across the deck, holding on to his hat. I followed his direction, wondering why he would abandon his post during a storm.

An enormous wave slammed into the side of the ship.

Grunting, I refocused on keeping the ship afloat and not on what my second mate was doing. Taking the helm with one hand, I held out the other and called out to the water on the starboard side of the ship. Magic tingled along my arm, lighting up my senses and the blue swirls that covered my skin on that arm. The waves pushed theRavagerforward. Once we were positioned correctly, I released my hold on the water.

Rain poured from the sky. Thunder boomed and the chantey the crew sang increased in volume with each pull of the ship. Slowly, darkness crept in, making the area harder to see. Even the bright moon couldn’t penetrate through the vast clouds.

A commotion to my left forced me to stop. Declan and Havoc argued, both yelling, and if Declan didn’t stop puffing out his chest like a monkey in heat, Havoc would knock his teeth out.

I whistled, calling their attention to me. When they both turned around, Havoc pointed to the side.

Havana stepped out of the shadows, her dress soaked and plastered to her chest.

I nodded to the deck next to me.

Havoc took her by the arm and dragged her forward, Declan screaming on his right. Once Havoc was in range of me, he released her and took the helm.

“What are you doing?” I said, grabbing her arm. “I told you to stay in my quarters.”

“Everything is swaying and moving. I felt sick.”

“I’ll keep her by me, Captain,” Declan offered.