I screamed, forcing my power into Azalea’s connected arm and that brilliant light shone into the cage. The darkthings wailed and screeched as our power combined and decimated the swarm. Black flecks of ash filtered through the spaces between the prison, and the sounds of pain suddenly vanished. The black prison dissipated into the air and Azalea let me go.

I ran toward the sea and tripped over my feet.

“Whoa,” Lark said, grabbing my arm.

“I need to find him!” I searched the water but couldn’t see anything. Lark released me and I jumped into the water.

“There!” Acaden yelled and ran around the broken piers until he reached an area he could dive off of. He swam and returned moments later, dragging Leon to the surface. My heart lurched as I stumbled to meet them. Falling near his side, I sobbed. Acaden rolled Leon over and hit the back of his chest. Leon coughed and I grabbed him in my arms, crying and holding him.

“I’m all right, love.” He coughed again, hitting his chest with a fist. “That isn’t the first time a monster pulled me into the sea.”

I gave him a kiss on his head, drawing him close.

“Where is she? Where’s my mother?” Leon asked.

I followed his gaze to where Azalea and Lark kneeled by Nelia.

Leon stood, and I grabbed his arm, helping him walk over to his mother, who immediately held up a hand.

“I’m fine,” she said. “Just tired.”

Her eyes shone, and she looked up at him and smiled. “We haven’t done that in a long time.”

Leon sat and pulled her into a hug. “No, and let’s not do it again. You’re getting too old for these fights.”

She laughed and Leon helped her to her feet.

“Where’s everybody else?” It seemed we had been the only ones really fighting. My father’s guards stood close, and I needed to go to them to see where my father was, but then suddenly my vision whirled.

Leon scooped me up into his arms, and I didn’t have the energy to argue. I laid my head against his shoulder, breathing in that calming scent of pine and leather.

“Let’s head back to Lily’s,” Leon said.

Shouts came from behind us as Leon’s crew waved and headed over to him. Leon spoke, but his voice started fading as I closed my eyes.

“Sleep well, Princess,” Lark said as he placed a hand on my forehead. “She did good, Captain.”

“Aye, that she did.”