She shook her head. “I don’t leave this room much. Where is he?”

“Well, there’s this . . .” I paused, not sure how to explain it. “This octopus that was infected by a darkthing that’s acting crazy and attacking the harbor and everyone is there. Leon and his crew left in theRavager. I don’t know where they went.”

She looked at me and lowered her gaze for a moment.

“Wait,” I said. “How did you know I knew Leon?”

She held the door open and motioned for me to come inside. Her long white robe trailed behind her. She clutched the front of it.

“He spoke about you,” she said, and my heart stilled.

“What did he say?”

The female turned back to me. Her expression undeniably difficult to read. She wasn’t smiling or frowning. She seemed unbothered. Yet I sensed she was curious. I needed to know who she was to Leon.

Were they together?

It was difficult to tell ages with fae. A female or male could be hundreds of years old, and you could never tell the difference. In fact, I didn’t know Leon’s age. I wanted to ask this female more, but felt it was not the right time with everything going on.

“Why have you come, Havana?” She moved to sit back on her bed.

“I need help.” I held up my arms, showing her the dampeners.

Her gaze narrowed, and it was the first expression of emotion that I noticed. She waved me over. “Let me see those.”

She took the bracers in her hand, examining them. She turned my wrist over, studying the runes written all over the metal. “This is the magi’s work.”

I nodded. “My father thought it was a good idea to imprison me.”

“Who is your father?”

“King Tarsios.”

“You are a human princess?”

“I am.”

“Leon didn’t mention that.”

“He didn’t know.”

She released my arms, and I stepped back, suddenly feeling very vulnerable.

“I cannot help you,” she said, “but I know someone who can. She’s on the other side of the island. There should be a horse in the stable. Take the horse and follow the left path to the west side of the island. That is the only path there. Look for a fae named Azalea. She will be able to remove those.”

“Thanks,” I said, not wanting to leave just yet. I wanted to ask more, and I knew that if I didn’t, I would always wonder about this fae and her relationship with Leon. “Excuse me? But who are you?”

She lifted her head, those eyes watching me before she gave me a very soft smile. “My name is Nelia. I am Leon’s mother.”


“What are you doing in the basement?” The question blurted out, and I suddenly slapped a hand over my mouth, feeling foolish.

She chuckled. “It is my choice. I brought Leon here when he was very young. The Underground was not a place for his power. When we came here, he was thriving, his power strong and magnificent. And so we stayed, but this place does not do well with me.” She lifted a hand, and a tangible form of black smoke left the tips of her fingers. “I am a shadow user and for some reason my power has been weakening.”

“Is that why he talked about taking you back to the Underground?”

Frowning, she said, “I made my choice. I will not regret it. Leon is my family. This is my home, and the females here are part of my family. Yes, I spend a lot of time in this room, but I am content, and now that my son has found someone he cares for, I can be at peace.”

My face flushed at her words and if this was any other time, I would have asked her a thousand more questions. I stood there for a moment not sure what to say.

“Go find Azalea. Tell her I sent you and I’m calling in my favor.” Leon’s mother laid back on her bed.

I walked over and kneeled by her side. “Thank you so much and it was an honor to meet you. Leon is wonderful. He has taught me so many things on this adventure. I was afraid to be honest with him and if he gives me a second chance, I will never make that mistake again.”

Nelia held out her hand and I quickly grasped it. “I have never seen him this content. You are what he has been searching for. Now go.”

I nodded and stood ready to race. At the door I looked back. Nelia had already laid back on her pillow and pulled the blanket around her shoulders. I didn’t understand what was happening to her or why she had to stay here, but I understood her wanting to.

This was her home, and if this was where Leon wanted to be, maybe it could be my home too.