Of course, he would. Harboring me would be considered treason. I didn’t want him or his crew in trouble, yet the moment I revealed my identity, Leon would be off this island, and I’d be back in the palace. I wasn’t ready for this to end, not yet.

It was silly to sit here festering about all the what-ifs. I decided to read some books from his bookshelf. After flipping through three different tomes about sailing, destinations across Saol, andHow to Capture Beasts from the Great Woods, I gave up on entertaining myself.

How long had it been since Leon left? Did he really expect me to wait all day?

I’m not waiting anymore.

Putting on my cloak, I pulled the hood up, hiding myself within the cowl.

After closing the door behind me, I crept downstairs, keeping close to the wall.

They had painted the brothel in watercolor landscapes, decorated with large urns of ferns, and a sweet floral perfume filled the air. Keeping flat against the wall, I peered around the corner.

Havoc sat at a table with Broxton and Harris who had a petite dark-haired fae on his lap. Havoc had a busty brunette sitting next to him while Broxton drank alone. They were engaged in a card game and seemed completely focused on the hand they were each playing.

I’ll only sneak out for a while. They won’t even notice.

Just then Leon walked into the brothel. Lily immediately ran up to him whispering in his ear. He frowned and whispered back. They were awfully close to one another. Leon cupped her cheek, almost comforting her before he placed a hand on her shoulder and the two began walking in my direction.

Oh no!

The stairs going up were too far away, so I took the stairwell down, hoping they weren’t going this way. Taking the steps two at a time, I hurried as Leon’s voice came closer. The stairs ended in the basement with a corridor and only three doors. One at the end and one on the left and right. I grabbed the door on the right, very grateful when it opened, and ran inside the room.

There were no lights, and I had no idea what was in this room, but I wasn’t about to use my magic like the last time.

“How long has she been like this?”

Hearing Leon’s voice, I pressed my ear against the door, yelling at my heart to be quiet.

“At least a week. Leon, you need to take her home. We all love her, but this place . . .” Lily’s voice cracked.

“After I deliver this shipment to the magi, I’ll have enough coin and whether she likes it or not, she’s going back to the Underground.”

The Underground? Who is he talking about?

Footsteps passed as the two went down to the corridor. I waited until I heard a door open and shut before I peeked out. When I didn’t see either of them, I dashed out of my hiding spot and ran all the way back upstairs.

Shutting and locking Leon’s door behind me, I tossed the cloak on the bed and plopped onto the chaise under the open window.

Who was in that room?

I knew it was a she from what they had said, but why was there a woman in the basement and why were they talking about sending her to the Underground?

The Underground, home of the dark fae, and a place where humans and most other races were not welcomed. Back home in the library there was an illustrated manuscript about the Underground with beautiful paintings of the caverns and hidden grottos, but my favorite was the Starlit City. The illustration depicted a ceiling made of stars, spiraling towers, and purple glowing runes on obsidian made structures.

It seemed the opposite of what Leon would want. I didn’t know him long, but I knew he loved the sea and that he was part mer. Picturing him under the surface with only rivers and murky lakes? It didn’t fit him at all.

The doorknob clicked and I held my breath.

“Ready to go adventuring?” Leon smiled as he entered the room.

“Of course. Do I need to change?”

His gaze roamed over me. “Nay, love, you’re perfect.”

My cheeks warmed and he winked, making my heart go into that wild rhythm every time he was near.

“I’ve got everything ready downstairs.” Stepping aside, he opened the door more. “After you.”