One of the women on the balcony noticed us and blew me a kiss. They all knew me, even though I stopped partaking in their services long ago.

“I can’t do this,” Havana said, sounding a bit defeated.

“Look here, love.” I stepped in front of her view of the house. “You wanted an adventure, here it is. You’ll feel better once you eat.”

“Is that the best you could come up with?”

“Did I mention my room has a bath?”

“Once or twice,” she grumbled. “Fine, but this is most possibly the worst decision I’ve ever made.”

“Surely running from an arranged marriage is worse?”

She glanced up at the females smiling at us as we passed under the archway. “That’s debatable.”

Inside, someone sat at a piano and played a lively tune. They had crafted the downstairs of the house into a large area with tables, couches, and servants taking drink and food orders. Females, both human and fae, paraded around the men relaxing in slinky outfits that left little to the imagination.

Lily, the matron of the house, and a fae beauty who could slaughter a man with a flick of her wrist, approached us.

“Hello, Lily,” I said.

She bowed her head, her black curls coiled around her like a crown. “Welcome back, Captain. I assume all is well?”

Lily’s gaze traveled to Havana, who looped her arm around mine in a territorial manner.

“Very well.” I patted Havana’s arm to quiet her nerves and lessen the death grip she had on me. “This is Havana. She’s my guest this week and will stay in my quarters until you can secure another room for me.”

“Would you and your party like some refreshments?” Lily snapped her fingers, and a servant scurried over. “See that they are attended to. Whatever they need.”

“Thank you. Have chicken prepared and wine sent to my room.” I took Havana’s hand and was guiding her toward the stairs that led to the third floor when I accidently caught the gaze of a fae playing cards at a nearby table.

“Leon,” the female said as she stood, throwing her cards on the table and causing the two humans sitting there to groan and toss their hands down.

I had hoped I could walk through Lily’s without any altercations, but of course Azalea would never make things that easy. She sauntered over, drink in hand, to where I stood, red painted lips curling into a smile.

“It’s been a while, Leon.” She never addressed me as captain like the rest of the people of the Oasis. We had a complicated past and one I was not going to entertain today.

“Is there something you need?” I asked, hoping this conversation would end quickly.

Her mischievous gaze flitted to Havana. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you bring a female in here, and definitely not one so pretty.”

Releasing Havana’s hand, I placed myself in front of her, facing Azalea who continued to smirk. Her golden hair hung over her shoulders, down to her hips, covering the sheath she wore. Her emerald gaze met mine, and I shook my head in a warning which she ignored by stepping around me to smile at Havana.

“Since Leon won’t be cordial this afternoon, I’ll have to introduce myself. I’m Azalea.”

“Hello, I’m Havana. It’s nice to meet you.”

Taking a sip of her drink, Azalea slid closer to Havana. “How long will you be staying?”

“One week.”

“Well, you must come to my estate.”

Havana glanced at me, furrowing her brow as if she didn’t understand why I was glaring at Azalea.

“I don’t think we’ll have time for a visit,” I said, putting my hand on Havana’s back and guiding her toward the stairs.

Azalea sidestepped, blocking our path. “Don’t be silly, Leon. I know you like to keep your females all to yourself, but let the girl have some fun. You remember what fun is, don’t you?”