“Not much, but you’ll be safe.” Declan held out his hand. “Now, about that coin.”

“Of course. Half now, half when I return.”


Having never been to the Oasis, I needed to make sure I had secured passage back. “Yes. I plan to stay a week, and I’ll need to return here after.”

Declan laughed and shook his head. “I don’t make the rules, Havana. You’ll need to take that up with the captain.”

“Very well. Send him in.”

Again, Declan laughed and pointed. “Half now.”

I placed the ring in his hand which lingered on mine for a moment.

“Settle in, and I’ll bring you something to eat when I can. Better you spend the trip in here.” He slipped the ring into his pocket.

“How long?”

“A few days to reach the Spires and then another few to the Oasis.”

He left before the horror on my face could be seen.

Father will have the entire army out by then.

I plopped onto the bed, re-thinking this grandiose plan of mine. From the map, the Oasis didn’t seem so far away. Why would it take almost a week to get there?

When I decided to leave home, my intent wasn’t to infuriate my father or my future husband. Antoine would be angered, but having grown up alongside each other, he understood the need for a bit of freedom.

Father on the other hand would not.

One week there, one week at the Oasis, one week back, and another few days to actually arrive home . . . Suddenly, I had a terrible feeling this excursion would get me in a lot of trouble.

But, I had already committed. No turning back. No regrets.

I would enjoy the time while I could.

Taking off my cape, I gazed out the window. Sunlight sparkled off the blue waves. It had been a few years since my last voyage. There was something ominous and magnificent about the open waters.

The ship moved, and the port shrank in the distance. Loud shouting and singing could be faintly heard through the wooden planks.I wish I could go up on the deck and watch.

A click sounded behind me.

“Well, well.”

I turned around and gasped.

“Aren’t you a pretty sight.”

The dark fae shut the door and walked inside. His yellow eyes shone like spun gold; his smoldering gaze fixated on me. Every inch of him, from his dark plum skin to his black leather breaches oozed danger. The only splash of color came from a purple feather sticking out of his black tri-corn hat. The sides of his head were shaved, leaving only a splattering of silver in its place. His natural hair color a sharp contrast to his plum skin.

“Who are you?” I said, scurrying back against the bed. “You shouldn’t be in here.”

“Who am I? I should ask who you are since you’re on my ship,” he replied, his voice smooth and melodic. As he eyed me, his tongue glided over the silver hoop pierced into his bottom lip on the right side, forcing me to respond.

“You’re.” My breath caught in my throat. “The captain?”

He tipped the front of his hat, silver rings covered almost every finger. “I am, love. Now, who are you?”