He shook his head. “There’s no way to tell, but by this village, very large. We’ll have no defense against a foe of that size.”

Just like these humans here. Men, children, women . . . slaughtered.

I ran my hand across my face, trying to think of a way out of this situation. “We could go back through the storm.”

“No,” Havoc said. “I say we move on to the Oasis, contact the council from there, and explain what we’ve seen.”

“They’ll cut into our profit for being late.”

“It’s a good thing we have a high paying passenger to make up for it.”

I ignored his remark about Havana, smiling. “Captain knows best.”

“Aye. Aye,” he laughed.

“Are you two going to help at all?” Harris shouted as he sliced at one of the remaining cougars.

“It appears you two have handled it quite nicely,” I said with a smirk.

Broxton sliced the last cougar in half. “Finished.”

Blood covered the front of Harris’ shirt. “Oh, now why’d you go and do that? I’m covered in bits and pieces.”

I pulled out my spyglass and searched past the village for any signs of a swarm. Nothing but clear skies. Turning, I moved to the horizon. TheRavagersat in the distance, smoke coming from a sail.

“We’re leaving.”

Havoc took the spyglass from me and peered through it. “Something’s happened to the ship.”

The smoke was little, which meant whatever happened stopped, but that didn’t tell me if something more precious was in danger.