“Declan!” Without thinking, I ran to starboard and dove into the water after him.

Underneath the surface, the true size of the octopus was alarming. The massive creature was bigger than the ship, part of it stretching under the bottom of the boat. Declan struggled against the limb holding him. When he spotted me swimming, his eyes widened, and he shook his head.

No matter how much I wanted to hide my identity, it wouldn’t be at the cost of someone’s life.

Calling on the magic inside, I aimed my hands at the octopus’ head and sent a beam of scorching hot light into the side of its face. The creature thrashed against the ship and released Declan who swam toward me. I kept the beam steady, burning through flesh until I was certain it would die.

Tentacles thrashed wildly, slapping the water around us in a frenzy.

My chest burned.

Another twenty seconds and I would be out of breath.

With the monster thriving in pain, I kicked my feet, trying to move to the surface.

A limb shoved me aside, slamming me into the barnacled side of the ship. Slimy suction cups stuck to my body and face, and it zigzagged me back and forth, shredding cloth and skin. Unable to control the direction of power funneling through my hands, the magic shot out of the water like a beacon. I quickly recovered, and when the octopus paused its vicious assault, I aimed for its big inky eye. My light burned through the pupil. The creature convulsed, shooting out a stream of ink as it fled from the ship.

I swam toward the sky, the fire in my lungs almost consuming me. When I breached the surface, I gulped in the sweet air.

“Havana!” Declan swam over and put an arm around my chest. “Hold on.”

Smoke billowed from one of the sails.I must’ve hit it by accident.

When we reached the ship, one of the crew dropped a rope.

“Grab on.” Declan heaved me up until I grabbed the rope, and they hauled me onto the ship.

Declan soon followed.

Once on the deck, the crew raced around dousing the sail I had accidently lit on fire. I slid to the ground and dipped my head between my knees to catch my breath.

Declan crawled over to me, gasping. “What was that?”

I rolled over onto my stomach, catching my breath. “You can’t tell anyone what you saw.”

He rested on his side, staring at me. “Havana, you saved my life. You were amazing.”

“Please, no one can know.”

“I don’t understand.”

I sat up and curled my legs under me. “I’m a light bearer.”

“You are? Is that light magic? I haven’t seen it up close. You were bright as sunlight.”

“Shh, someone may hear.”

His entire face brightened with a smile. “That’s a gift. Why hide it?”

I turned until we were face to face. “Light bearers are not common, and human ones are even less known. If anyone finds out, including Leon, they could try to kidnap me for coin. I beg you, for all our sakes, say it was your wand, say anything but the truth.”

“We would never let that happen.” Declan reached over and grabbed my hand. “You fought with us and helped save the ship. You dove in the water to save me while a kraken was tearing theRavagerapart. Everyone on this ship owes you their life. With the captain on land, we never would’ve been able to stop that creature. Up until today, I’d never even seen one . . . thought it was just sea legends.”

“Please, promise me you’ll keep this a secret.”

“I have to explain what happened to the sail.” He frowned. “But I’ll keep your secret, sweetheart. Promise.”

He gave my hand a squeeze, then went to help the men.

Declan could promise me all he wanted, but I had a feeling Leon wasn’t so easily fooled.

And I was terrified for him to know the truth.