I didn’t know why Leon would think I’d be safer in this room as opposed to my cabin, but I assumed he had a good reason. Calling the light to my palm, I held my hand up, squinting in the darkness. Barrels and boxes filled the room and I moved deeper inside, searching for a place to sit and wait.

A long box rested against the back wall. Sitting down, I faced the door, holding the tiny flame in my palm. If anyone entered, I’d dismiss the light and hope they wouldn’t find me.

The cut on my chin throbbed and I wiped it. Blood coated my fingers, the wound stinging. I’d probably need a stitch or two. Having nothing else to stop the flow, I pulled up the bottom of my dress and pressed it against my face.

The ship rocked again, and I jumped, my heart racing.

What was going on up there?

Could I really just sit here?

What if they sunk the ship?

My heart began thumping and the longer I sat, the more my instincts begged me to run to the main deck. “I can’t stay here. Leon doesn’t know I can fight. This is unnecessary.”

Standing, I released my dress which now had splotches of blood running up the front. Key in hand, I moved to the door, debating on whether I should leave or not.


I stilled.

What was that?

The clashing of steel and thundering of steps sounded above me. That odd noise came from somewhere else.


Hairs on the back of my neck rose as fear raced up my spine. Sending the light to my bracers, the blades extended, and I coated them in my power.


The top of the wooden box exploded, sending splinters everywhere. I screamed, ducking, and throwing my arms up to block my face. Three jabs sliced at my arms in the few open places of skin showing through my bracers.

Peeking through the space between my forearms, I had just enough time to scream before the cloaked figure lurched forward.