I escorted her away from the helm, where I could speak with her privately. Declan frowned but did not follow. Her wavy hair stuck to the sides of her face; her entire dress drenched.

“It ain’t safe up here,” I said.

“I needed air.Please.”

She shivered and if I had a dry shirt to offer her, I would’ve.

“We are amid a great storm. I can’t protect you and steer the ship.”

“I don’t need protection, and I won’t get in your way.”

“Captain!” Havoc yelled, and I gazed up at the swell of a wave coming for us.

“Take her!” I ran forward and grabbed the helm from Havoc, who took Havana.

“Oh, no . . .” The fear in her voice told me she’d finally listen.

“Everyone, hold on!” I screamed and gripped the helm, holding the ship steady and into the massive wave.

Havana screamed as the swell crashed onto the ship. We bounced over the next wave, water spilling across the deck. Havoc had an arm around Havana and gripped a rope by the mast.

“Tie her!” We were in it now, and any moment another wave could come.

Within minutes, Havoc had Havana secured and wrapped another rope around his wrist.

Wave after wave, theRavagersailed the vicious sea. When I could, I glanced to Havana who slumped against the rope holding her, exhausted from the constant slamming of water against us. The wind howled and boomed, but after a few hours the storm settled under the break of dawn.

Sunlight burst through the clouds, guiding us out of the darkness. The crew cheered and I smiled. We were soaked, tired, but alive.

In the calm waters, I left the helm and walked over to the delicate human. Her eyelids fluttered.

“Is it over?” she asked softly.

“Yes.” I took a knife and sliced the rope holding her in place. The moment the bindings were free she slumped into my arms.

“Did you really need to tie me to the mast?”

I swept her off the ground, carrying her below deck. “I couldn’t have a customer going overboard on the first night. Next time, maybe you’ll listen.”

She groaned. “Now’s not the time for an ‘I told you so.’”

Laughing, I held her tight as I carefully stepped on the wet stairs. “We should arrive at the next port soon. You can enjoy land for a bit.”

Once inside the cabin, I set her down. “Rest.”

“Where are you going?”

“I need to inspect any damage from the storm. Captains don’t get to rest.”

“Glad I’m not captain.” She pulled at her dress. “My clothes are soaked.”

“You may relieve yourself of them.” My voice dropped as I met her stare.

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?”

Taking my cue to leave, I bowed, and gave her a wink before disappearing.