

The hood on my cape flapped in the strong wind and with trembling fingers I secured it over my long hair. The docks would go into an uproar if the workers discovered King Tarsios’ oldest daughter milled about. It wasn’t that I feared this journey, though maybe I should have. My emotions were a whirl of excitement and nervous flutters, beating against my chest.

The ivory sails on the ships reminded me of puffy clouds floating on the breeze, and that calm thought did absolutely nothing to steady my racing heart. My nurse had talked about the great Orion Port and the varying ships entering and leaving the Eternal Sea where many travelers ventured, some never being heard from again. Had she known I’d one day use those tales to run away, she may never have filled my head with the fantasy of escape.

Just find a ship and go.

I had more than enough coin to buy passage to the Oasis, but no idea what ship could take me there or if anyone would agree to my deal. Dirt still lingered under my fingernails from when I had buried the rest of my jewelry. One glimpse at the ring I carried would hopefully be enough to persuade any captain.

Mustering courage, I held my chin high and walked over to a sailor standing by the dock of a beautiful galleon with the nameAmeliawritten in script on the side. A perfect ship for taking bringing passengers abroad.

“Excuse me, sir.”

The sailor took the cigar out of his mouth. “What can I do for you, miss?”

“I’m looking to buy passage to the Oasis.”

He shook his head. “Sorry, we’re not heading that way. Most ships are ported until the storm passes.”

Far in the distance, the blue sky darkened.

“How long?”


I couldn’t wait for days. By now, my father would’ve discovered I was missing and be running around frantically trying to locate me. It was a feat in itself that I escaped the palace at all. If I didn’t go now, there was no chance of my plan succeeding, and I refused to let that happen.

With a sigh, I glanced around at all the ships. “Are there no ships voyaging out this day?”

The sailor pointed to the far end of the harbor to a black galleon with a screaming siren crafted into the bowsprit. “I heard theRavageris leaving, but you’d be smart to stay away from that lot.”

“Thank you, sir.” I gave a quick curtsy and raced to the end of the dock.

My courage faltered at the sight of the motley crew working the deck of the ship. Black sails adorned the masts. A red skull with crimson flames painted on the mainsail, while a real human skeleton covered in tar wrapped around the bowsprit. Males with piercings, tattoos, some on their faces, weapons clearly visible, rushed around, and the menacing presence they seemed to emanate meant only one thing.


Of course, you couldn’t accuse someone of being a vagabond without proper cause. Just because a man had tattoos, rings adorning every finger, and hair that hadn’t been washed in months, did not automatically make one evil. Though these men probably were. The furry saber, half-man half-beast creature looked especially terrifying with his orange and black striped fur and a ring pierced through his septum. Sabers frequented court and I always found them intriguing and polite. They reminded me of tigers, but who walked on two legs instead of four.

It was decision time.

I’d come this far and no matter when I returned home, the consequences would be the same. The moment I had snuck off in the back of the priest’s wagon there was no going back.

A young man stood by the ramp, checking off a list and counting a row of barrels. With his shaggy blond hair and sea blue eyes, he didn’t appear to be a violent pirate, and if I was lucky, he’d be reasonable.

“Excuse me, sir. I’d like to buy passage on to your ship.”

He stopped counting and glanced at my dress and finally my face. “I’m sorry, you what?”

Rolling my eyes, I repeated myself. “I’d like to buy passage.”


“Yes,me.I need to get to the Oasis.”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Not today, sweetheart. We’re not taking on passengers this trip, cargo only.”