He screamed and instead of getting upset or leaving, I returned his anger with my own. “How dare you.”

He laughed, shaking his head. “How dare I? You’re an idiot.”

With a snap of my fingers, I shot my blue flame forward, wrapping it around his neck. His gaze darkened.

“Not this time, little sparrow.”

Ice crawled along my magic, freezing me to my core. I released him and was slammed against the wall, shock coursing through my thoughts.

“Tri-mage,” I whispered, shocked at that revelation. There were only two others in all of Saol who held the same power, and one was on the Magi Council. No wonder Mab was so powerful.

“Among other things.” Ice coated my wrists as he locked me in place. His face contoured in an angry expression. The cold seeped into my skin causing me to shake.

“Let me go,” I chattered.

“No.” He leaned closer. Looking down at me and pressing his hands on the wall beside me.“Not until you and I talk.”

I kneed him in the groin, but he quickly blocked the move, releasing one of my hands. With a right hook, I plowed into his face. He took the punch with a growl and grabbed my arm, slamming me against the wall and using his ice magic to lock me in place.

My blue flame rose from my arms as the rage inside turned into an inferno. Ultimately, thawing the ice around my wrists. “Release me or I will show you how powerful I am.”

“Then at least you’d show me something,” he spat back and grabbed my arms, pinning them to the wall.

It was then I realized the emotion in his gaze wasn’t anger it was pain.

“You know,” he said, his voice deep and low. “At first, I thought you were crazy. Mostly from the magic and being raised by a bunch of heartless magi.”

My heart raced.

“But then there were these moments during the journey when something else flashed in your eyes, a rawness that wasn’t always there.”

Stop talking. Please.

“But that emotion would disappear, and I just assumed it was part of your eccentric behavior. Until you cried in my arms.”

I knew what he referred to, yet I was powerless in that moment.

Using my magic, I focused on thawing the ice locking me in place and not the beating of my racing heart. Turning my head, I ignored the pain in his eyes, the hurt and confusion I knew was from me. I had buried my feelings for so long, it was almost hard to recognize them at all.

“Give me the decency to look at me when I speak.” The authority in his voice forced me to turn.

Slowly, I faced him. His vibrant magenta hair hung around his face and the seriousness in his gaze made my stomach knot.

“This,” he said, pointing a finger at me. “Is just a mask. You got what you wanted, no matter how it affected me.”

“You’re wrong,” I said, keeping my voice even.

“Am I?” His jaw twitched. “I’m not a fool, yet you’ve made me feel like one.”

I couldn’t find the words, so I sent my magic at him, wrapping my blue flame around his neck.

“No more games.” His eyes darkened and his voice growled. “How would you feel if you were me? Allowing those moments and kisses?”

My chest tightened at the hurt in his eyes. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

A low growl left his lips and he slammed ice shards around my body, sending a chill up my spine. “I think it’s clear how I felt.”

In a quick movement, he took my arms and planted them above my head just like I had done to him. Emotion I hadn’t felt since I was little rolled through me: fear, panic, desperation.