
The door opened, and an exhausted Kelia stumbled in.

I was by her side within seconds. “What are you doing? You should be resting.”

Leaning against the door, she nodded then glanced to her left.

“Mab?” I moved the door fully open and knelt in front of the young female.

She sniffled and grabbed Kelia’s hand. “I’m sorry. I know she’s hurt, but Uncle E . . . he’s . . .” Tears sprang forth and I pulled her into my arms.

“It’s okay. Alisha told me.” Holding Mab tight, I looked up at Kelia who’s eyes watered.

“I thought . . . if anyone could help Uncle E it would be her.” Mab rubbed her face with her sleeve. “Please, there has to be a way.”

My chest ached with Mab’s sorrow. “Is there?”

“Bring me to him,” Kelia said and moved, standing straighter, the magi warrior replacing the bruised human. “We will do all that we can. I promise you that.”

Mab took her hand and the emotion running off sent a wave of sadness through me. Fae were always sensitive to emotions, but shifting fae . . . everything was heightened and right now I could feel Mab’s pain, the grief and fear so thick it was almost tangible. Taking Mab’s other hand, we walked, silent and determined.

Servants busied around us, now that there was no army at the door. Silent hushes followed everyone as if the entire palace knew the prince laid at death’s door. Mab guided us through the quiet halls. Halls I used to run around, play in, a home that I didn’t deserve but had been allowed.

Two guards stood outside the prince’s chambers. Seeing Mab, they moved, one of them opening the door. A few lanterns had been lit in the dark room. The queen sat next to a four-post bed with black silk curtains that had been drawn back. She held the prince’s hand who slept on the bed, covered in a mass of black bedding. Dark lines, like cracks, appeared all around his skin. The closer I came, the more my heart broke.

The scent of death wafted around the room like a pallid nightmare. Mab gripped my hand tighter, and I pulled myself together for her, not wanting to show her the depth of sadness pounding against my chest.

It was Kelia who broke away first, moving toward the edge of the bed. She lifted the blanket, exposing the prince’s arm. The area where the darkthing had bitten, an angry black, festering wound oozed. Mab gasped and leaned into me. I wrapped an arm around her, rubbing her shoulder.

Kelia sat on the chair, examining the wound.

“Is there anything you can do?” Queen Merelda asked, her voice soft and low.

“I can’t, but Mab might.”

“Me?” Releasing my hand, she walked to Kelia. “What can I do?”

“Do you know what it means to be a light bearer?” Kelia asked, giving Mab a faint smile who shook her head no. “Light bearers only came into existence after the Rift. They are said to be an answer from the All Father to defeat the darkthings and have the power to remove all darkness.”

“All darkness?” Mab stepped closer.

“Yes, all.” Kelia reached out and took Mab’s hand. “You destroyed those shadow monsters with your light. This wound is darkness manifested.”

“So . . .” Mab’s gaze went to the queen then back to Kelia. “Are you saying I could help Uncle E?”

“You can do anything, if you believe it.” Kelia brought her and Mab’s joined hand over the wound. “Close your eyes, and search for the darkness, find the root, and destroy it.”

With a fervent nod, Mab closed her eyes.

I held my breath, not knowing what was happening. Kelia’s gaze stayed on Mab, her hand never leaving hers. At first nothing happened, and then light glowed from Mab’s palm hovering over the wound and then the unexpected happened.

The darkness began lifting.

“I don’t believe it,” I gasped, turning to look at the prince. The black lines on his face began retreating. “I think it’s working.”

“Just like that, Mab,” Kelia said. “You keep pulling it out like a splinter, slow, steady, taking all of it. I’m right here, keeping you safe. There’s no monsters just the dark and the light.”

The queen’s other hand went to her mouth and one tear slid down her cheek. I’d known the queen for hundreds of years and I only saw her cry once—the day she exiled me. The black lines continued to retreat and Kelia created a blue ball of her magic around the area of darkness being lifted from the wound. Black smoke like tendrils pulled out of the prince’s side, gathering in a mass right under Mab’s hand.