Black scorpion type creatures with wings burst from the ground and vaulted into the sky, their bodies bigger than mountain goats, their four front appendages similar to a praying mantis. Prince Eldritch used his power to blast a hole through a section while I cleared the area by the portal with my lasso.

“Mab!” the queen screamed, and I turned to see one of the creatures pick Mab up and head for the portal.

Tugging Callum’s fur, I guided him to the portal. A creature slammed into my side, sending me flying off Callum’s back. I groaned as I hit the ground, getting a mouthful of dirt. A growl sounded above me as Callum stood over me, ready to go after the insect. It swayed in the air along with the others as they swarmed around us, creating a barrier between us and the portal.

“No,” I croaked, reaching out with my magic to steal Mab out of the darkthing’s grasp.

But I was too late.

It zipped through the portal, taking Mab with it.

The queen ran forward, the prince behind her.

Callum nudged under my arm, and I grabbed him to stand and follow them back to the Underground.

The guards ran, grabbing weapons, running down one of the tunnels, in what I hoped is where the creature took Mab.

“Follow that creature!” the queen ordered.

The men looked at the prince and he nodded. “Mab is royal blood and we will not let one of our own be stolen by one of those abominations.”

“I can help contain it,” I said, holding my side. “If we leave now.”

White spots blinked in my vision, my head spinning from blood loss, and I swayed.

“Whoa.” The prince wrapped an arm around my waist. “You need to rest and be tended to.”

“It got away,” I huffed, my mind running through pages of history, searching for an answer as to what type of darkthing we had just encountered.

“We’ll find it.”

“No.” I gripped the prince’s shirt as my vision blurred. “We’re all in danger. We’re all . . .”