

The guards at the entrance drew their swords the moment I appeared at the entrance with the queen. “The prince is expecting me.”

“You are going to pay for this, human,” the queen hissed. I had covered my lasso in thorns and wrapped it around her throat and shoulders, making it impossible for her to act on her threats.

The guard on the left waved his arm, speaking in the fae tongue, and the runes around the entrance flashed bright. “Go ahead.”

Taking my hostage inside, I was surprised to see that this hideout was smaller than I expected and with less fae. The main cavern had two levels, lantern light flickering off the rocky walls. Fae sat around sharpening blades, foraging for the glowing mushrooms that dotted the far-right area, and on the second level, cots and makeshift tents covered the area.

A throne made out of pure obsidian sat in the main area, Prince Eldritch sitting on it while talking to a guard. His gaze moved to me then the queen, his lip curving up into a wide grin.

“That was quicker than expected,” he said as he rose to meet us.

The fae surrounding us grew quiet and fanned out, unsure of what to do.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone handle my mother like this since my father died. I thought it would be Callum to enact our betrayal, but a gift is a gift. Little things go long ways.” Prince Eldritch rubbed his smooth chin, his eyes glowing with excitement.

My next move had to be timed perfectly. There was no room for mistakes, especially after seeing Callum’s expression. Pushing the tingle of emotion caused by even thinking his name, I focused on the task ahead. It would take all my power to pull this off. Keeping my magic wrapped around the queen, I grabbed her crown and brought it to the prince. “Our deal is almost complete.”

He bit his bottom lip the closer I came, his gaze flitting between me and the crown. “It seems humans are capable of some things.”

With steady hands, I placed the crown on his head. “You wear it well.”

Reaching up to my face, he dragged his finger over my lips, the sensation cold and unwelcomed, so different from when Callum did it. Keeping my emotions in check, I allowed the action, and slipped my hand down the rod to the activator rune.

“Where is Mab? I will need to leave soon.” Keeping the Prince focused on my face, I smiled. “Unless the fae don’t keep their bargains.”

Prince Eldritch’s brow furrowed. “I’m insulted. You are going to be the queen of the dark fae. I keep my word. Mab is resting. I’ll wake her after I deal with my mother.”

Gently pushing me aside, the prince went to his mother, my magic still keeping her locked in place. The queen did not cower, or plead, she simply waited with a furious expression.

“Oh, Mother. How good it is to see you on your knees for once.”

Clicking the rune, I visualized an area in the Borderlands that was close enough to see the Rift but not in an area of battle. With the way point locked, I made my move.

The portal opened, causing the queen’s eyes to widen and look past her son. When the prince turned, I used the full force of my power and pushed out a stream of blue to wrap around his body, then with all my might, I tossed both of them into the portal and jumped through.

The prince growled as he landed hard on the barren land, falling onto his side.

“Do not use magic here!” I warned. “I’m going to release my magic, but if you use yours the darkthings will come in full force. Listen to what I have to say, and this will all be over soon.”

Dropping my magic, I held up a hand in warning and turned to close the portal.

A giant wolf flew through the portal knocking me over, making the rod slip from my hands. The portal closed, and I swung around to face the snarling wolf.

“Callum . . .”

He pounced forward, fangs and claws ready to rip me apart.

In any other place, I would’ve raised my barrier and protected myself, but not here, not when one drop of magic would send out a call to the demons to the north. I cried as claws shred through my leather, ripping my skin open as he knocked me onto my back, ripping me apart, my head slamming against the ground and making me bite my lip. He thought I’d betrayed him, and that hurt more than the physical wounds he inflicted on me now.

His growls reached my soul because they were mixed with anger and pain. A deep sorrow caused by me. A snapping maw reached for my neck as if he was ready to end it all right here.

When I didn’t make any move to stop the paw swiping across my chest, he paused. I lay on my back, fire burning across my arms and chest from the open wounds. Standing over me, almost asking me why I didn’t fight.

But it was already too late.