Fire heated my palms, my rage manifesting. “And what about you, little sparrow? Will I spend my newfound freedom watching the prince shove his tongue down your throat?”

She shoved me back. “I am doingexactlywhat you wanted. Keeping us both alive.”

“Kelia . . .”

“Don’t.” Poking me in the chest, she moved forward, but I wouldn’t be pushed away from her or this conversation. Not when it was the first time I sensed that she saw me as more than a prisoner.

Grabbing her hand, I gently squeezed it. “You’re right. I wanted you prepared. I wanted you safe and you played the game perfectly.”

Her jaw tensed as if she was holding back all the words she wanted to yell at me. When the gaze between us became too heated, she turned away. “What do we do next?”

Running a hand over my face, I loathed the idea of returning to the queen without her granddaughter and the news of the prince. “The queen will not give up her crown. She might even risk Mab’s life. Our only option is to tell her the truth and find a way to locate the prince’s hideout.”

“They just left through a portal.”

“Yes, but I have their scent.” I held the rod up to my nose, picking up the fae’s trail.

“Why are you sniffing that like a dog?”

Very few knew of my secret, and I had wanted to keep it that way, but it seemed I had no choice. “I’m going to tell you something, but I need to be able to trust you.”

“What is it?”

“Can I trust you?”

“Yes, now get on with it. We’re wasting time.”

“Relax, little sparrow.” I unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it to her. “Do me a favor and don’t lose these.”

“What?” She caught the shirt, then the boots and pants I threw next. Her face flushed red. “What are you doing?”

“And these.” I picked up the sheath with the short sword. “I really like this blade. Very well balanced.”

“Why are you naked?”

“Put it all in that black bag of yours.” I nodded at the satchel on her waist. “I’ll need them later.”

Turning her head, she shoved the contents into the magical bag.

“Once I transform, get on. I’ll pick up the trail and we’ll find them.”

“Trans—” the words ended in silence as I shifted into a wolf.