I shot out my lasso at Mab, missing her hand.
She cried, dropping her doll to shield her head as we rolled farther away from the fight and the light. Again, I lashed out, a jagged piece of stone slicing into my cheek. My lasso grabbed her ankle, though I still needed to stop our descent.
Heart racing, blood dripping from my head and face, I focused on my power and used the last of my reserves to shoot out my blue flame and attach it to the closest stable rock. I abruptly stopped, and as Mab slid past, I tugged on the lasso, bringing her to a halt.
And just in time.
We were by the edge of a cavern cliff and Mab hung in the air, upside down.
Trembling, I slowly raised my arm, every muscle straining to save this little fae.
“Kelia!” She screamed and light pulsed from her hands. When she gazed below, her screams morphed into desperate cries. “Pull me up!”
Her struggling strained my muscles, closing my eyes, I focused on reeling her to me. I slid and opened my eyes in shock.
The rock I had attached to cracked.
No, not now.
Shaking, I tried again, pulling Mab, drawing the lasso magic back into my body. If I could just get her close enough to grab, I could save us both. I wouldn’t let go, even if that action would cost me my life.
Come on. Almost there.
Reaching out, I tugged her. She held out her hands and I lifted her higher to grab her hand instead of her leg. My heart pounded, sweat covering me in a cold blanket. Finally, I yanked her forward and wrapped an arm around her waist.
And then the rock holding us split in two, sending us both over the edge.