
It roared and waved its head wildly. Callum’s fireballs went off in succession flying into the creature’s mouth incinerating its soft pink flesh as well as melting its eyes in the process. This destroyed the acidic saliva sacks that spat the deadly vesicant. Alisha dove under the beast, sliding near its underbelly and ripping a gash into the tough skin with her axes.

Just a little longer.

Focusing, I tightened the chains pulling it to one side, rolling the monster over. The beast went with the motion to alleviate the strangle hold, making it easier for the fae to hack away at its underbelly which didn’t have the same thick coat as its top. A swirling mass of shadows ran up my magical chains, and I could barely see the lithe forms of fae within that darkness that converged on the monster. A flash of silver glowing eyes here and there swarmed the creature as slashes appeared all over the insect making it thrash wildly.

Sweat slid down my cheeks, and I continued to feed my power into the chains, feeling the insect barreling to get free from the black death. I didn’t need to see what moved within those shadows to know it was the queen’s shadowwalkers.

Callum reached toward the cave’s ceiling clenching his fists as he pulled downward, creating massive spear like columns from the tunnels stone surface, driving their thick sharp tips through its husk. These dense stalactites punctured its hard hide, impaling it in place.

Earth magic. The second element Callum could control.

My chains wrapped around the three pinchers and pulled the mouth open wider than it could go, ripping its flesh apart. Peeling the three sections back into a grotesque bloom of death, ending the creature’s thrashing madness, the shadows around it disappearing as quickly as they had come.

I released the magic and fell forward on my hands, panting.

Shouts and yells came from in front of me. I glanced up to see a horde of similar insects only much smaller, crash through the barricades, some impaling themselves, others climbing over their dead comrades trying to reach us. Riding upon them were dark fae . . . but these fae were different. They wore no armor, only bone and cloth, white markings covering them from head to toe.

Someone grabbed me from underneath my arms. An unknown soldier helped me to my feet. “Get out of here before you’re trampled.”

I didn’t want to leave Callum, but I was better suited for handling things from the back ranks with the ranged attackers.

Covering myself in a shield, I started searching for a better place to fight from. An explosion sent me flying forward.

My vision blurred.

When I turned to view the disaster behind me, Callum stood on a massive boulder that appeared out of the ground, his hands outstretched and waving around him. Rocks slammed into the oncoming horde of monsters.

Knowing Callum was okay, I got to my feet and ran past the charging warriors. The entire cavern shook, and I surveyed the area to find the source. Coming from the road to the left, a group of those bone covered fae pushed a massive battering ram—were they going to the palace?

But what sent my blood cold was the young fae running. A child, clutching a stuffed animal, yelling for someone.

I thought this place was evacuated!

“Stop!” I yelled, my heart lurching into my throat, memories of me being alone while my parents were killed by darkthings.

The fae turned their attention to me, snarling and smacking the cart they rode with spiked clubs.

“Kelia!” Callum shouted behind me, sprinting. “Stay back!”

I glanced at him. “She’ll die!”

The little fae screamed and that was all I needed. I ran forward, knowing my shield would protect me, knowing that my flame was the one thing that never let me down, ever. I dove for the girl and gathered her in my arms as we rolled. She cried and I surrounded her with my magic.

“I’ve got you.” I held the child to my chest.

Callum screamed and ran past, tossing fireballs at the fae. They jumped off the burning cart, too many for Callum to take on.

If it drained all my magic until death, I would not let those monsters hurt him or the fae in my arms. I held out one hand toward the bone fae, and this time instead of one magical lasso, I released a stampede of magical rhinos that smashed into the group then I morphed them into a wave and took the bone fae off the ground and raised them into the air. They shouted and dangled helplessly, once they were high enough, I slammed the wave to the ground, grinding their bodies against stone then raising them again until they slammed into the high ceiling, impaling on the stalactites, and twisting the rest until their bones were crushed into dust.

My mouth watered and white spots blinked in my vision and I rolled onto my back, breathing heavily. Callum ran to my side.

“Are you hurt?” He touched my face then my legs, inspecting me.

“No, the child.”

The fae sobbed into my arms.