“Your majesty,” Kelia said, standing, and my blood froze. “I did not come here to fight your war. You agreed to lend us the prodigal child in exchange for Callum’s release.”

Shadows moved along the walls, darkness creeping from the sides and I knew that any minute the queen’s shadowwalkers would have a dagger in Kelia’s throat. Yet, if I intervened the queen would question why, regardless of my agreement with the magi.

“Hmm. Yes, that was our arrangement.” The queen walked toward Kelia, her long silky dress dragging on the stone floor behind her. “But you cannot return to the surface unless you do as I command. You are in my domain, human.”

Kelia’s eyes glowed blue, and I rushed to her side just as the shadows materialized around us. Assassins, clothed in the darkest black armor that they absorbed any light around them, surrounded us. Even I couldn’t fight off this many, not to mention the queen had enough power herself to snap both our necks at once.

“Majesty,” I said, and grabbed Kelia’s hand to tug her behind me.

The queen’s nostrils flared at my actions, and I needed to diffuse this situation quickly. “The magi are on a timeline, clearly you understand our desire to return swiftly.”

“Our desire?” the queen’s voice rose and even her shadowwalkers stilled. “I did not request your release so you could trollop off with a human.”

I dropped Kelia’s hand, recognizing my folly. “My only desire is for our world to be safe.”

The queen glared at me, and I remembered her hot and cold attitude. One moment she’s whispering desires in your ear the next she would slit your throat just because yourperformancewasn’t acceptable.

“You two will follow me, and not speak another word.” The queen turned to where Alisha stood. “Take us to the first sector.”

Alisha bowed and created another portal. This time I had the smarts not to grab Kelia’s hand.

The portal took us to a smoky ruin. Dead fae lined the streets amidst rubble. More fae with solemn expressions carted off the dead and burned them in piles. The smoke made my eyes burn. Kelia coughed beside me.

“We are being sieged,” the queen said. “They attacked us here first, cutting off our northern route. A calculated move that resulted in a heavy loss. They’re trying to cut off all exits out of the city.”

I rubbed a hand across my face, taking it all in. “Where are the others?”

“If you mean my children, Prince Dane and Prince Lato are in the southern sector preparing for another battle which we believe will happen tomorrow, and Prince Raegar has been on the surface for the past ten years on a sojourn. The attacks have been consistent in that.”

“And the princesses?” I hoped they were safe, especially Lara. I hadn’t seen my young mentee since I was exiled from the Underground.

“They are in our sister city getting aid and away from my son’s poisonous words. Each week that goes by, he turns more to his cause. The deep fae have already aligned with him.”

Kelia knelt by a youngling with an arrow sticking out of her chest. She closed the child’s eyes then stood to face us. Her expression unreadable, yet I noticed how her body went rigid. She walked toward Queen Merelda. Alisha unsheathed her twin axes and I held a hand out to stop her. Kelia was not foolish enough to provoke the queen. The magi never would’ve sent her, and I’d seen the human hold her own, more than once.

Then before I could react, Kelia spoke. “I will aid you if it means I can leave sooner. We don’t have time for this war, your majesty. The magi have a timetable that must be adhered to.”

The queen folded her arms, eyeing Kelia who did not flinch or back away. “Let’s return to the palace. You two may rest for the evening. Tomorrow will be a long day.”

I let out a breath and Alisha sheathed her weapons. Alisha created a portal and returned us to the palace, this time in the great hall.

The queen placed a hand on my chest then leaned in by my ear, whispering so only I could here. “Do not think I have forgotten about your treachery.”

I stilled, knowing anything I said would be wrong. I’d remain silent and allow her to think she had the upper hand, but once my freedom was restored, I would never kneel to the queen again.

Alisha waved us down the hallway and pointed to two doors while the queen disappeared into the shadows that seemed to slither in the space around her. “Your rooms are ready. I suggest neither of you leave them.”

Kelia stopped at the door across from mine, pausing as if she had something to say, but she didn’t and went into the room.

I entered my own room, wondering if the queen would kill us both or if she truly needed our help, and why mine? My hands shook and I grabbed the decanter left on a table, pouring the drink into a cup.

Why me?

It was no secret I had a special relationship with her children. I had trained them, and Prince Eldritch was my best student, but he had always been stubborn, and I doubted that seeing me would bring him to his senses.

Sleeping would be impossible, no matter how hard I tried. First, I had to check Kelia’s room and make sure none of those dreaded shadowwalkers were hiding in her shadows.

I left my room and walked across the hall. I knocked on the door.