

Pinpricks of light dotted the walls and the ceiling, creating a soft orange glow that illuminated the dock. My eyes took a few moments to adjust to the dimly lit area. We were in the Underground, and our boat bobbed in the now calm river. To my right, a cluster of purple and green cave mushrooms, and to my left, a sleeping Callum.

His collar on the floor.

I took it off!

The magi warned me not to remove the collar, and if I did, I’d better be prepared for a fight. Callum wasn’t like the other students and teachers I’d trained with, and the dark fae were loyal to their own.

Bringing my knees to my chest, I settled my thoughts, removing the panic attempting to drown me. Callum could’ve let me freeze or taken the boat and left me here with no way of escape. Yet, he tended to me instead of killing me which is what any captive would do.

“You’re awake.” His gruff voice startled me. “How are you feeling?”

“Better, thank you.” Still undressed, and feeling vulnerable, I raised the blanket to cover myself. I normally didn’t care about silly things like modesty, but Callum’s gaze unnerved me.

Yawning, he stretched out his arms. “Fancy some roasted mushrooms?”

I glanced at the fungi in the corner. “There’s nothing to create a fire.”

“Not true.” A flame bloomed in his palm. “And before you throw that magical lasso at me, listen.”

Naked, he stepped out of his bedroll, grabbed his pants and pulled them on. The trousers hung low on his waist accentuating his muscles.

I wasn’t ready for this.

With his powers restored, I wouldn’t be able to easily control him like before. If I attempted to use my flame, he’d have a way to fight back. We couldn’t afford a fight.

He sat back on the ground across from me with a soft smile. “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”

“Are you a telepath?”

He chuckled. “No, I’m not, but I can see the horror on your face, and normally you walk around with a blank stare. Nothing has changed.”

Callum leaned forward, getting awfully close, and a warning blared through my thoughts. I should’ve been more careful when we went over the rapids. I still hadn’t had time to process why I had become so weak. The moment I went into the water an unnatural heaviness invaded my mind and body.

I gripped the blanket around me, meeting his gaze head on. “Our agreement still stands?”

“Of course. I’m a fae of my word.” With a smirk, he handed me my clothes. “I’ll start on those mushrooms.”

Quickly, I pulled on the pants and sweater.My mind ran with a thousand thoughts and questions on why Callum didn’t turn on me. This mission was of the utmost importance, and I could not fail. I needed to do anything necessary to survive here and bring the light bearer to the magi. Yet, something about Callum had me on edge.

With every gesture, every conversation, Callum dug under my skin, making my nerves raw and chaotic. I hadn’t felt this out of control since the day my family died. Flashes of the darkthings swarming emerged in my thoughts, the loud screaming from my mother, and the blood . . . so much blood.

My hands tingled and I flipped them over to see my palms glowing blue. I fisted the magic away.

“Are you sure you’re feeling well?” Callum walked over holding a pile of blackened mushroom caps. “If you need to rest, you can sleep in the boat. I’ll make sure we get there safe.”

“I’m fine,” I said, extinguishing the flames in my palms and dropping the worry from my voice. “Is that breakfast?”

His brow furrowed, but he didn’t ask any more questions. “Here, they taste much better than they look.”

I took a few caps from his hand and popped the fungi into my mouth. “Smoky.”

“Yes, but tasty. How about a lesson before we go? It’ll help lighten the mood. This one is about kissing which is important in our culture for a kiss seals most deals. Since I doubt that you’ve kissed before, it would be prudent of us to make sure you’re comfortable. In case the need ever arises.” He licked his lips, eyeing my mouth like he was hungry for something other than food.

“Is that really a good idea?”