I wished I had something to cover her with, but I didn’t, not until I could dry our stuff. I ripped the bag from the boat and ran back to her.

“Here.” I grabbed her trembling hand.

She fluttered her eyes open, and keeping one arm curled around her chest, she put her shaking hand into the bag. She whispered an arcane word and pulled out the key.

I turned around and lifted my hair away from the back of the collar.

“If you turn on me,” she chattered. “I’ll kill you.”

“Yes, I’m well aware. Now release me so we both can warm up.”

She pushed the key in and turned. The collar fell from my neck and in a flood, I felt the course of magic return. I paused for a moment, weighing my options.

“Callum.” Kelia’s shaky voice finalized any doubt.

“I’m here.” I pulled her back into my chest and released the warmth from my fire magic. I moved my hands across her body, taking the time to make sure every patch of skin warmed under my touch. When I reached her chest, I carefully avoided any sensitive areas then moved on. Soon, the shaking stopped.

“I’m going to dry our bedrolls. Just hold on.”

With her eyes still shut, she curled into a ball. If I didn’t move quickly, she would get cold again.

The water ridden bedrolls took longer to dry, but they did. I moved hers closer and carefully picked her up and slid her on top of it then draped the blanket around her. “There. You should feel better soon. Rest.”

She didn’t respond or bother to cast her infamous barrier spell to keep me caged. Though now, I had my magic. I could leave her here, but the magi would hunt me forever, and I refused to go back into their prison.

No, we were in my world now and the roles would be reversed. I was no longer her prisoner, and she didn’t have the ability to control me, not with my magic restored.

I would play this out, and once I understood why the queen had summoned me, I would make my move.