

The boat slammed into the rocks as we hit the bottom of the falls. Kelia screamed as the force lifted her up and out of the boat.

“Kelia!” I released my hold on the oars, searching for her. The river pushed us into the cave and the remaining sunlight disappeared.

“Damn it.” I dove overboard into the water.

Luminescent creatures swam through the river, highlighting the area in a warm glow, the water as frigid as the lake. In the distance, I spotted Kelia kicking wildly to the surface. I swam to her, my adrenaline pumping through every cell.

She broke the surface just as I reached her, panting.

“Are you okay?” I wrapped an arm around her waist, keeping her head above water.

“I think so. The boat?”

“It’s right there.” I tugged her alongside me.

When we reached the boat, she grabbed the sides and I hauled her up. She slumped against the wood.

I knelt beside her catching my breath. “You’re sure you’re okay?”

Her body shook. “You were right, that was very unpleasant.”

Smiling, I helped her onto the bench. “We can camp up ahead.”

She hugged her legs to her chest, trembling. I took the oars and guided us forward. Her face paled and she kept shivering. If I didn’t get her warm, she’d freeze. All of our gear was wet, and down here, we were surrounded by rock and the occasional cave mushroom. No wood for kindling except the boat and that wasn’t an option. I had to convince her to release my dampener. My fire magic could keep us warm and dry our clothes. This was no longer about tricking her into releasing the dampener. It was survival. The River of Night had an unnatural chill and one that would only be removed by fire.

The river calmed and the glow of cavern crystals and luminescent bugs illuminated the cave. I rowed, watching Kelia, eyes closed. Between the river’s deadly qualities and how much power she expended, I didn’t think she would be any help in this situation.

The rowboat hit against the wooden dock. One of the few places to camp. While we were still surrounded by black rock on either side, this area had plenty of space and mushrooms for a place to settle for the night.

I tied the boat to the dock then quickly went to Kelia and lifted her out of the boat.

She shivered and her teeth chattered.

“I need to get you out of these clothes and warmed up.”

She nuzzled closer to my chest as I carried her over to an area near a mossy patch of mushrooms. I placed her gently on the ground and began stripping my wet clothes off then hers. No time for decency.

Undressed, I curled her into my chest wrapping myself around her as much as I could. Shivers raked her body. I rubbed my hands along her back, hoping the friction would be enough, but we were both freezing. I was so cold not even the fact she was naked in my arms could warm me up.

“Kelia,” I whispered between ragged breaths. “We both need warmth. This isn’t working. Remove my collar.”

“It’s so cold.”

“I know. You have to trust me. We won’t survive otherwise.”

“No,” she said as she curled against my arms trying to steal as much warmth as she could.

With my face in the crook of her neck, I hugged her tighter. “Unless you have firewood in that black bag of yours, we’re in trouble. Using the boat will strand us here.”

“I . . . I . . . can’t.”

“Don’t be foolish. You know I’m right. Where is the key?”

She lifted a finger to the black bag tied in the boat. “Bring me my bag.”