“They sound beautiful.”

Callum’s voice calmed, though the hand I clenched became clammy. “I’ve never seen their equal, and I’ve seen much.”

“I would like to see one when we are there.”

“Of course.”

We reached the end of the bridge, and I pulled Callum forward. He lifted his head, looking around, a bit surprised. “We’re across?”

George nibbled on a nearby fern.

“We are, and it’s almost sunset. We should settle in for the night.”

Callum blew out a long breath. “I hate those bridges.” Leaning over his knees, he seemed a bit disheveled.

“I would think a mage of your power wouldn’t be frightened by such things.”

“Everyone is afraid of something.”

“Not me.”

He straightened and crossed his arms, not believing my statement. “You are. You just won’t admit it.”

“You can’t be afraid if you don’t feel.”

Puzzled by my answer, he shook his head. “Everyone feels. Those who think otherwise are fooling themselves.