Lady Violet snapped her fan closed. “Perhaps we would, if we hadn’t been so offended by her dismissive actions.”
“And what has she done?” Thomas asked.
“For starters, there were quite a few flaws at the ball that missed the mark. And now, she won’t even honor us to pour our tea. It’s a serious offense, and she would do well to learn better. She’ll never be a success in society with so many shortcomings, no matter what her condition is.”
Thomas pulled Marianne to her feet but continued to glare at Lady Violet. “Shortcomings? Condition?”
“Indeed. Whatever keeps her from dancing at balls or pouring tea for her guests must be quite the impediment.”
Tears brimmed in Marianne’s eyes at being so blatantly criticized, and she tried to swallow them back. Her secret would not stay secret for long if Lady Violet had anything to do with it, and then she’d be shamed forever, no doubt ruining whatever fragile relationship she’d begun with her husband.
Thomas’s forefinger curled under her chin, lifting her to meet his gaze. The gentle touch made her lips part, and she found herself easily lost in the brown warmth of his eyes, comforted by his nearness. His thumb caressed her cheek as he said, “No, I think she’s rather perfect as she is.”
She would have broken down in tears at his beautiful words, except for the next moment his face grew close, just like in the music room, and she blessedly found herself once again the recipient of his kiss.
Her eyes fluttered closed, the movement nearly allowing the traitorous tears to escape, but the emotions in her heart were completely different now. For this wasn’t just a simple touch, light as a feather on her lips. Thomas held her face securely against his, sealing his mouth over her own. His kiss was warm and soft, and instead of fearing what the ladies in the room thought, they were completely forgotten. Her left hand gently rested on his forearm, not to deter him, but to encourage him, and keep him from departing. She never wanted him to stop kissing her just like this.
The whip of a fan opening brought Marianne back to her senses, and she heard Lady Violet’s voice. “Good gracious. Such dealings should certainly not be on display in a drawing room. They rather belong in a brothel.”
When Thomas pulled back and Marianne let out a breathless sigh, he didn’t look away from her at first. The muscles tensed in his jaw before he plastered on a false smile.
“What exists between Mrs. Ramsbury and myself far exceeds anything that may be found in a brothel, but if you’re more comfortable in that setting, then by all means, see to it.”
As he turned to face Lady Violet fiercely, Marianne gripped his arm and bit her lip. She didn’t always want to be rescued, but when she did, Thomas continually did it in a way that had her swooning.
Though Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Shelton looked down into their teacups, Lady Violet huffed. “How dare you speak to me so. I’m a noblewoman and––”
“And if the Duke of Norland were here, he’d be even more forceful about how you speak to those beneath you.” Thomas’s voice was even and firm. “My wife has done nothing to earn your ire, and even if she had, it is your duty as a peer to deal with such things politely and respectfully, neither of which you have done since you’ve arrived. I could hear your snide remarks from my study, and I’ll not have my wife maligned by you or anyone. Therefore, if you’re unable to hold your tongue, I must ask you to leave.”
A victorious swell filled Marianne’s chest as Lady Violet’s jaw dropped. “Well, I never…” She stood from the chaise and lifted her chin. “Please excuse me, I believe I have another appointment.” Then brushing past Mrs. Bamber, she stormed out of the room.
Marianne let out a relieved sigh, as Thomas returned his attention to her. “Are you all right?” he asked, his eyes imploring hers. He looked as if he wanted to check her over physically and emotionally, but Marianne simply patted his arm.
“I am. Thank you.”
“Not to worry, Mr. Ramsbury,” Mrs. Shelton said lightly. “She’ll be safe with us.”
“Lady Violet was in desperate need for a set-down, and I applaud your ability to do it so well,” said Mrs. Hancock smiling over her tea.
Thomas smiled at them. “My apologies for interrupting. I’ll be in my study if you need me for anything further.” He took Marianne’s hand and saw her seated before bowing and excusing himself from the room.
“What a charming husband you have, Mrs. Ramsbury,” Mrs. Shelton said with a knowing smile. “I don’t think my husband would ever kiss me so brazenly in company, but it was delightful to see how besotted he is with you.”
“You think so?” Marianne asked blissfully, pressing a hand to her heated cheek before Mrs. Bamber offered her a cup of tea.
“Oh, it’s very clear. And it’s refreshing to see. I offer my congratulations.” Mrs. Hancock grinned, setting down her tea. “Now that the she-devil is gone, we can speak of more pleasant things.”
And so they did. Though Marianne made a list of things she wanted to discuss with Thomas when next she saw him. First would be regarding Eliza’s future. And second would be that kiss.