Emma sighed, heart pounding in disbelief. “Would it be impossible to believe that I simply wanted to confess how greatly I’ve come to care for you, and wondered if you’d be interested in restating your suit?”

His hands moved to gently hold her face as he leaned down with a soft smile. “Dearest Emma, I’ve wanted nothing more.”

Heart lighter than air, Emma couldn’t keep from grinning as his gaze dropped to her lips, his breath on her skin the promise of a kiss.

“Miss Follett!”

Emma jerked away, panicked by the voice of Mr. Bernard behind her. He stood at the opposite end of the balcony looking far more angered than she had ever seen him.

“What are you doing out here alone? And with this rake?”

She looked back and forth between the two men, frantic for some guidance on what to do. Mrs. Dunn would not be able to help her out of this mess.

“Mr. Godwin is a friend of Mrs. Dunn’s, and though he may have been a rake before, he is reforming his ways.”

Mr. Bernard shook his head. “So he has you in his clutches, believing his lies.”

“His lies?”

“He is a fraud, Miss Follett, and has been playing you for a fool.”

Emma looked to Henry, seeking any kind of answer or denial, but he was staring daggers at Mr. Bernard. “What the hell are you playing at?” Henry growled.

“I was at White’s, and I heard his exact words in regard to you, Miss Follett; ‘play the repentant rake, make her fall in love with me, and see her ruined.’”

Emma gasped, putting her hands to her mouth. “No.”

“That was a private discussion with my closest friends, you eavesdropping bastard!” Henry took a step forward, taking Mr. Bernard by the lapels.

“You were in a gentleman’s club with no care for who heard you. Or perhaps you were too drunk to notice.” Mr. Bernard shook Henry’s hands from him, leveling narrowed eyes at him, then at Emma herself. “You told me this man was a friend of Mrs. Dunn’s and nothing more. Was that a lie?”

Emma’s face burned. “I… I thought things changed, you must believe me…”

“I must do nothing, Miss Follett. You are as dishonest and dishonorable as the sister you claim to be dead.”

Her throat went dry. No… how could he know?

“I was willing to overlook your family’s disturbing history and lack of honor, Miss Follett, but if you have the same predilection for ungentlemanly characters, then I will not be made a fool. I should have known better that it would run in your blood as well. Therefore, I withdraw my suit. If you are to ruin yourself with this man, then I will not have it reflecting on me. I bid you good night.”

Mr. Bernard walked away, leaving Emma to stare at the brick wall of the house. When she dared to look at Henry, he was resting his hands on the stone railing, hanging his head.

As if guilty.

It couldn’t be possible.

“How dare you,” she whispered.

Henry immediately straightened and turned. “You believe him over me then?”

“Tell me it’s not true.”

“Emma, please.”

“Deny it then! Tell me it’s not true.”

Henry seethed. “I cannot. It is true.”

Any hopes Emma had were now shattered. How had the evening changed so drastically? “You said those things?” Her voice was uncharacteristically small. “You wanted to ruin me?”