He nodded, taking in her words. “Then why did you say them?”

“Perhaps part of my motive was to hurt you.”

“Well, you succeeded there, Miss Follett.”

Her heart sank deeper, but she pressed on. “You’re better than this, Mr. Godwin. Better than wasting your life away on cards, drink, and loose women.”

He shook his head and lifted his half empty glass in a mock salute. “Your expectations are too high, Miss Follett. I’ll only disappoint you.”

Emma stood straight. “Only if you choose to.”

Backing out of the corridor, Emma returned to the ballroom and found Mrs. Dunn, making her determined to never leave her side again.

“There you are, my dear. Did you enjoy your drink? You seem flushed.”

“I’m plenty well. It’s just there are so many people in this crush.” She took a deep breath and let it out. “Now where is Mr. Bernard? I believe it’s our turn for a dance.”

Anything would be a welcome distraction from her tumultuous thoughts and the fierce beating of her heart.