He gently took a seat beside her on the sofa and held out the other bouquet. “And this one is for you.”

Emma pursed her lips together. “That’s very kind. What’s the occasion?”

“Does one need an occasion to bring pretty flowers to a pretty girl?”

Her heart continued to hammer inside her chest as she brought them up to smell.

“In truth, I’d only meant to bring some just for you, but it seemed to be more acceptable if I got some for Mrs. Chrissy as well.”

When Emma opened her eyes at him over the flowers, she expected to see his teasing glare, the dark tumults of his eyes an ever-open invitation. But instead, there was something different about him today. A softness in his expression that caught her by surprise, the green of his eyes now like a gentle meadow.

“I wanted to confirm you were well after your episode at dinner.” His voice was still low, in a rumbly sort of way that made Emma’s arms break out in gooseflesh.

“I am, thank you. I am not one to swoon often, or at least I hope not.”

Mr. Godwin nodded. “Yes, well, while I hope your health does not suffer in the future, it would be no great sacrifice to catch you in my arms if needed.” His lips twitched in a smile, and he gave her a wink.

There he was. The flirt had returned. And now everything could return to normal.