The fire of righteous indignation filled Emma’s chest. How dare he humiliate her friend so! She might have been a little too forward in her approach and obvious in her regard for him, but that was no excuse to treat her so abominably and destroy all her innocent hopes.
“But he said…” Laura’s voice was tight, like a whisper.
“Don’t think on him again, Laura.” Emma put her hands on Laura’s shoulders and pulled her away from the sight. “He’s clearly not a man of quality, or a gentleman worth pursuing if he can so easily promise one thing and then go back on his word. Even something so simple as a dance.”
Laura eventually let Emma pull her from the room and out into the corridor, her lips dipped into a frown. “But I thought he cared for me.”
Emma tried to think of the kindest words she could manage. “He is not worthy of your favor, Laura.”
But her words were not bolstering; in fact, Laura continued to slouch further against the wall. “Let’s go find my mother. I think I’d like to go home.”
“No, you can’t give up now! Don’t let him have the satisfaction of sluffing you off without a thought. You show that Mr. Godwin just how little you care for his opinion.”
Laura shook her head, blinking back tears. “But how could I manage all that?”
“Go join the set with a different partner.” Emma looked around the room in desperation and gratefully found her prayers answered in the form of a vicar. “Mr. Thorne!”
The young man heard his name and hurried over. “Good evening, ladies. What can I do for you?”
“Miss Roberts here has been snubbed in a very ungentlemanlike manner and is now without a dance partner. Would you do the honor of filling his spot?” Emma said, hoping her words were convincing enough.
The humble vicar turned his gaze to Laura and nodded, offering a simple smile. “It would be my pleasure, Miss Roberts. God will have His vengeance, but we can have the dance, can we not?”
Emma was relieved when a whisper of a smile graced Laura’s lips. “Thank you, Mr. Thorne.”
After he escorted her away, Emma finally let out a sigh. What a mess Mr. Godwin had made. If she ever came to face him again, she would be certain to give him a bolder confrontation than he’d likely ever had in his life. The man was worse than an ingrate. He was a cad and a scoundrel, and Emma wanted nothing more to do with him.