"I'm sure you'll sell one soon. I quite enjoyed those short films you used to drag me and Aiden into making with you."

My cheeks flushed when I thought about the things I used to talk Drew and Aiden into doing. I’d been such a nerd. "You're just being nice."

Drew grinned. "I totally liked being the sultan of the universe and having Aiden as my servant."

A somber smile lifted my lips at the memory of my older brother. Oh, how I missed him. "He really did hate that he was always the servant and you were the king, boss, or whatever."

"He always told me how he was going to help you get your big break someday, so he could watch someone else be the servant for a change." Drew's eyes met mine, the heartache behind the blue mirroring my own. "Aiden always bragged about how his sister won first place in the Coventry Film Festival her senior year. He couldn't wait to see it."

If only he'd had the chance.

"So how is married life treating you anyway?" Drew asked, changing the subject. "I still can't believe you're old enough to be married."


We turned our heads to see a group of college girls in matching pink shirts marching toward us.

Drew sighed. "Looks like I need a better disguise."

"Or a better housekeeper to save you the trip in the first place." I smiled.

This was my first time talking to an actual billionaire, but they all had housekeepers, right?

"Carmella has been sick, so sadly I have to be a big boy and stock the fridge for myself tonight." He smirked, which let me know he knew how ridiculous that sounded. His eyes darted to the girls waiting for him. "It was really good to see you again. I hope you get over your cold soon. Tell Nolan I said hi."

He didn't come to our wedding, yet he knew Nolan's name?

I shook my head.

Of course he did.

Nolan's family was rich. Rich people always knew other rich people.

I swallowed, not having it in me to tell him that Nolan was living with his college girlfriend now. "Yeah, I'll tell him."

I watched as Drew approached the group of girls. And since I was already in the aisle and had no shame left, I grabbed myself a box of tampons off the shelf. Having all my supplies in the basket now, I turned to escape out the aisle the opposite way just as Drew was asking the girls who the detective was and how he thought for sure no one would recognize him. Which was followed by a chorus of giggles.

Yeah, I thought,being "The Billionaire Bachelor" is so hard.

I drove home to the apartment Nolan and I had moved into when we'd gotten married—the apartment I wouldn't be able to afford once the year he'd pre-paid on was up.

I downed a dose of cough syrup and climbed in my empty bed, wishing, not for the first time, things had gone differently that spring night seven years before.