“Why?" I frowned.

Why would my marital status make any sort of difference?

Did they think married people were more responsible?

He waved his hand. "Alexis seems sure any young female is bound to fall in love with me. My enigmatic charm or something like that.” He shot me a look that told me he was kidding. “So once I explained that was never going to happen in your case, she was practically dialing your number for me.”

So telling him I’d had my marriage annulled a few months ago would probably not be the best idea right now.

Not if I wanted to get the job.

Though, why would it matter anyway?

Drew was a happily engaged man. And even if he was somehow in the market for a new girlfriend, he'd never look at me twice. He'd made that abundantly clear when he stopped talking to me after I practically threw myself at him in high school.

We reached a door with the nameDion Robinson it, and Drew knocked.

"Come in," a deep voice with a Spanish accent called from the other side.

Drew peeked his head in. "Kate Dawson is here to see you."

He opened the door the rest of the way so I could see the Hispanic middle-aged man sitting behind a big desk with a wall of windows behind it.

My pulse raced with nervous energy as Dion stood and held out his hand for me to shake.

I tentatively set my hand in his and tried to find my tongue. "I-it's nice to meet you, Mr. Robins."

"Pleasure to meet you, Kate."

“Well, now that you two have met, I'm going to get back to pickups," Drew said to Mr. Robins, and then turned his gaze back to me. "I'm sure I'll see you again soon. Just make sure you don't fail this interview."

Fail? Hadn’t he made it sound like getting this job was a sure thing?

He must have noticed how pale I'd gone because he cracked a smile and winked. "I'll see you soon. You've totally got this."

I finally drew in a decent breath after he shut the door. Then I took a seat, urging my heart rate to slow down so I could make it through this interview without passing out.

"Have you ever worked for a reality show like this before?" Mr. Robins asked after he sat back down across from me.

"No. This would be my first," I said.

Strike one.

"Have you worked in showbiz at all?"

"Not exactly."

Strike two.

Wow, I was going to totally bomb this interview in less than a minute.

"Can I see your résumé?"

I handed the paper across the desk, hoping he didn't notice my shaking hands. Then I waited quietly as he scanned my list of credentials that I hoped might be impressive enough to land me this job.

"This is all very good," he said. "How soon can you start?"

"Um…" Was he offering me the job? Already? "I can start whenever you need me.”