I made my face turn to stone as I imagined what Misty would do in that scenario. "Are you really?" she spat the words. "If you were sorry, you wouldn't keep locking me back up."

Drew's shoulders slumped, and his hands moved to my right wrist, tracing along an imaginary line. "I’m sorry." His eyes had so much depth to them.

Had Drew finally learned to act?

"It's just that I—I can't let you go,” he continued. “I've missed my dog all these years, and keeping you chained up reminds me of him." His lips curled up and he laughed.


"Where did that dog line come from?" I attempted to jab him in the stomach.

"Sorry." Drew laughed again as he struggled to defend himself from my attack. "I couldn't think of what was supposed to happen next, so I improvised."

"You're terrible, you know that?"

"And I'm okay with that."

I went after him again, but he gripped my wrists and held my arms hostage. He pulled me to him, and my entire body became intoxicated with our close proximity. He was wearing his familiar cologne again, and part of me wanted to just go limp in his arms so I could have a reason to stay close for a little while longer.

But we had work to do. So I stood up straight and forced myself to stop running away with inappropriate thoughts, such as stepping closer and brushing my lips against his just to see if they were as soft as I remembered.

I cleared my throat and stopped the camera. "Let's try that again. This time, remember you're going to apologize and then grovel. The goal of this scene is to obtain forgiveness, and maybe move Treven and Misty closer to falling in love."

Drew nodded, becoming serious again before going back to his beginning pose behind an invisible door.

"And go." I pressed start and the camera began rolling again.

Drew repeated his opening lines, making it to the point in the scene where he was supposed to trace a line on my wrists.

"I'm sorry," he said, his eyes deep and brooding again. "If Ben finds out I've been unlocking you, he'll put another guard down here. And that guard wouldn't be nearly as nice as me."

"I feel so lucky," I said sarcastically, knowing Misty shouldn't give into Treven quite yet. "And why are you treating me differently than another guard would?"

Drew paused to think for a minute.

"Don't even think about telling me it's because I remind you of your childhood puppy," I whispered when I saw a smile try to sneak on his lips.

He burst out laughing. "Sorry, Kate." He clutched his stomach. "I really was going to try this time, but I'm pretty much the worst at this."

"Would it be better for me to figure this out on my own then?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t just wasting his time with the exercise. I knew he was a busy guy.

Drew sobered right up. "No, no. I'll get it. Sorry."

"Is there something that could help you get in character?" I offered. "Maybe a costume or a prop?" Those had always been helpful in the past.

“Sure. I guess we could try that.”

I looked around my small apartment. I didn't have much: no clothes for a guy, no chains or bars for him to pretend to lock me up with. I looked Drew over. He was wearing jeans and a blue T-shirt that really brought out his eyes. Maybe I could work with what he had?

I stepped closer to Drew, creating an image in my head. Treven was supposed to be a super hot guard, and even Misty couldn’t resist him. Which Misty hated since she was supposed to hate him.

"Hot bad guys wear tight shirts, right?” I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a few chip clips out of the junk drawer.

"I guess… Hey, what are you doing?" he asked when I pulled his shirt tight from the back and stuck a chip clip there to hold the fabric snugly.

I attached another clip. "You said you work better while in costume, so…since Treven would want to show off his toned physique, that's what you get to do."

And boy, was it toned.