"Byron is busy handling my whole company right now." I shook my head. "But I'm a big boy. I can get myself to the airport."

"No!" Dion and Alexis said at the same time.

Dion pinched the bridge of his nose. "We've had bachelors try that before, and then they ended up being late for their interviews. That's not something we can afford to do, especially with the season we have ahead of us."

Alexis blew out a long, frustrated breath and looked to Dion. "Do you have anyone else in mind? We can't just hire anyone. We don't have time to do all our usual background checks and screenings. We need someone we can trust. Someone responsible who won't quit on us midway through the season. Preferably someone whom we know will get along with Drew. We don't have time to wait and see if they're a good match to work together."

Kate popped into my mind, but I tried to push the thought away. Working with me was probably the last thing she wanted to do. But before I knew it, I was saying, "I might know someone. I've known her since we were kids. She's driven and responsible, and I think she's looking for something full time."

"One problem,” Alexis said. “She's ashe. I don't need another bachelor falling for his handler. Especially one who isn't quite engaged."

Yikes.Alexis really was going to hold that whole engagement thing over my head until I fixed it.

"She's married. If that helps anything."

"Married?" Alexis perked up, her expression relaxing for the first time since Dion walked in.

I nodded. "Yeah, she got married this summer."

Why am I pushing forward with this?

Alexis smiled. "Good. Call her now. We need to get this spot filled as soon as possible. In fact, if she can come in today to sign a confidentiality contract, that would be ideal."

Wait, no.

I couldn't call Kate.

Not with our history.

The last thing I needed was her assistance in my engagement. That would be even more excruciating than knowing millions of fans were watching me try to find love on TV each week.

But from the look in Alexis’s eyes, I knew I was going to do it anyway.