

“You better fuckingthink about what you’re doing, Davit,” Seamus said.

I leaned back against the leather seat of the SUV and smiled. “I have thought about what I’m doing, Seamus. And what I’m going to do. I’ve thought about it a lot.”

He said nothing, a moment of silence for which I was grateful.

But it was brief.

I saw the wheels turning in his head as he calculated what to do next.

“How much?” he finally said.

He seemed so different now than he had just moments ago, let alone the time I had seen him before.

For one thing, he was completely sober, a state I rarely saw him in. And he was scrambling, clearly in deal-making mode.

That was also rare. He often relied on the family name, the power that had been amassed by others, to lord it over people.

But he wasn’t doing that now.

“How much what?” I asked, playing dumb.

Ordinarily, I had no patience for these kinds of interactions, but I was willing to humor Seamus, at least for a moment longer.

It would make his ultimate realization that there was no way out of this that much sweeter.

“How much do you want, and how do you want it? Dollars? Euros? Name your price and currency,” he said.

I looked out of the window, knowing I seemed to be considering the offer, and then looked at him again. “Diamonds,” I finally said.

He nodded, looking ever so slightly hopeful. “A good choice. Difficult to trace.”

“Is that why you suggested Raphael James ask for them?”

He blanched, looked as close to embarrassed as I had ever seen him look.

“Davit, you know—”

“What do I know, Seamus?”

He opened and closed his mouth but didn’t speak, and then a moment later he said, “That was nothing personal.”

I felt a moment of rage so intense I thought I would throttle him where he sat.

But I held myself in check and then waited a moment before I answered.

“Nothing personal?” I asked.

He had been on the verge of confessing, but he pulled back quickly.

“So it’s not diamonds. What can I do?”

“I’ll show you in a moment,” I said.

He looked afraid. Incredibly afraid, and I relished every moment of it.