

The restof the ride was tense, but I was sure the Petrosyan brothers now understood where I stood.

I didn’t pay attention when we stopped at another building.

I probably should have been looking more closely, taking in everything around me, but I couldn’t bring myself to. I was so distracted, so worried, that I could barely keep it together.

But I would.

For Crystal.

“How are they?” Elias asked a tall, thin man who was wearing bloodied scrubs.

“The woman is still unconscious. But she’ll recover. She had a concussion, and some relatively shallow stab wounds. The blood loss is her biggest issue.”

“And Erik?” Elias asked.

“He was stabbed at least twelve times from my count. Lost a lot of blood,” the doctor said.

Elias looked at Davit, then back at the doctor.

“They didn’t hit any vital organs?”

“I guess he was lucky,” the doctor said as he walked away.

I looked from Elias to Davit.

“Or they weren’t trying very hard,” Elias said.

Exactly what I had been thinking, and I could see that Davit was of a similar mind.

Elias looked at me. “You sure about this, Amethyst?”

I took a step, not even bothering to answer him.

He fell in line beside me, and we walked into the makeshift room.

It was clean but definitely not a hospital.

But Erik was lying in a hospital bed, clearly injured but surprisingly alert.

“Paulette?” he whispered.

His voice was weak, and he looked tired.

That didn’t sway me.

I cared about Paulette too, but Crystal was my sole focus.

“You shouldn’t be worried about her now,” Elias said.

I looked at him, the menace in his voice impossible to miss.

And Erik certainly didn’t miss it.

“They came in heavy. Six of them,” he said.