“Kayla is very thorough,” I responded as I laid Crystal on the changing table.

“You remember the first time you did that?” she asked as she watched me change the baby.

“Yeah. I didn’t even get the diaper over both legs the first time. And when I thought I was done, it slipped right off when I picked her up,” I said.

“Now you’re a pro,” she said, and though I wasn’t looking at her, I could hear her smile.

I pulled the onesie off and replaced it with a clean one.

“Seems that I am,” I said with a smile as I snapped the final button and then put her in her sleeper pajamas.

“You want to sit in that chair?” I nodded toward one corner of the room.

“Sure,” Amethyst said.

She sat down, and I handed her the baby and sat next to her.

I loved doing this, and it hadn’t mattered whether it was three in the morning or three in the afternoon. I was with Amethyst for every feeding.

Couldn’t believe that I had come to take something so majestic, so precious, for granted.

“Do you want to burp her?” she asked when Crystal was done feeding.

I nodded and took the baby, gently rubbing her back.

I heard the door open, and at Amethyst’s alarmed look, I shook my head.

“Your uncle wants to visit you,” I whispered to Crystal. “Back here,” I called.

Seconds later, Elias appeared.

To the untrained eye he would look unbothered, maybe slightly uncomfortable at walking into the scene in front of him, but my eye wasn’t untrained.

I recognized his relief and his happiness.

“Good to see you, Amethyst,” he said.

“You too. Thanks for setting this up,” she said.

“It’s nothing,” he said.

“Yeah, like you did this,” I teased.

He shrugged. “I paid for it. It’s the same thing.”

He was staring at Crystal, and Amethyst spoke with a smile in her voice. “You think you’re ready to hold her?”

Elias, one of the toughest, most ruthless men I had ever met, blanched. The same as he always did when the topic of holding the baby came up. “Too small,” he said, waving her off.

His expression shifted, and I nodded.

“Why don’t you get her settled?” I asked.

I stood, and Amethyst nodded, though I knew this wasn’t the end of the conversation.

“We’ll be in the living room,” I said.

Elias cleared his throat. “Would you mind if Kayla came to visit?”