

I stretched,feeling rested, relaxed.

Maybe Davit had gotten up with Crystal and let me sleep in. I definitely needed it. Between my worries about feeding and trying to get her on a sleep schedule, I was wrung out.

And my sweet, kind husband had noticed and decided to give me a break.

I smiled, wondering at the good luck and grace that had gotten us here after all we’d been through. I still didn’t know how, but Davit would certainly get a token of my gratitude.

I turned in the bed, one that I realized wasn’t mine.

My eyes popped open, and the reality that I had somehow managed to forget hit me full force.

I wasn’t at home in my bed.

And Crystal…

I sat straight up, and Davit stood, coming to me instantly.

“Where is she?” I asked.

He didn’t answer, but he didn’t need to.

The look on his face said it all.

I wanted to do something—scream, run, kick down every door in the city, in the world—until I found her.

But I was powerless, couldn’t do anything at all.

I fell back against the pillows and shifted away when Davit went to reach for me.

I could see the hurt in his eyes, knew I would have felt the same way. But I couldn’t comfort him, not when I felt like I would shatter into a million pieces.

“Erik and Paulette?” I whispered when I could finally speak without bursting into tears.

“Hurt. Badly. But both are still alive. Paulette is still unconscious. Erik’s awake, and I’m going to talk to him now.”

“I’m coming too,” I said, starting to swing my legs off the bed.

He looked like he wanted to deny me, but after a moment, he thought better of it.

I stood, feeling woozy, and he reached out to steady me.

More than anything I wanted to fall into his arms, beg him to tell me everything was okay. But I didn’t, couldn’t, not when I knew that his words would be a lie. So I only let him touch me for as long as it took to make sure that I was balanced.

Then I walked away, ignoring the pain that crossed his face.

“How are you?” Elias asked when went into the living room. My expression must have said everything, for he shrugged. “Dumb question, I guess.”

“What time is it?” I asked.

“Three thirty,” Davit said.

My mind was still churning, but I focused. “So she’s been gone for eight to ten hours. I—”

I turned quickly, and the dizziness left me weak. Davit grabbed my shoulders and steadied me.