

“You have a visitor,”Davit said a few weeks after we’d come back.

“Me?” I said, looking at him quizzically.

“Yeah, you,” he said with a smile.

My first thought was Kayla, but I knew it wasn’t her. We had gone past the point where I considered her a visitor, and I suspect that if it were her, Davit wouldn’t have that little grin on his face.

I took a look at Crystal, who was happily chewing on a ladybug-shaped teether, and then looked at Davit.

“In the living room,” he said, eyes twinkling mischievously.

I left the bedroom and walked down the long hall, my heart beating a little bit faster with every step.

I’d had enough surprises to last a lifetime, but the way that Davit sounded had me curious and more than a little excited.

“Carol!” I said when I walked into the living room and saw her sitting there.

My mother was next to her, but I only gave her a fleeting glance.

Instead, I stared at the woman I was sure was an apparition.

“In the flesh. I’m international now, Amy,” she said.

I wasn’t sure whether to laugh, cry, or scream, so I think I did some combination of all three as I ran over to the couch.

She stood up and I hugged her, squeezed her with practically all my might.

“How are you? How did…? What?” I finally said.

She chuckled. “Yeah. I know,” she said.

“What is?”

“Let’s try this again,” she said with a soft smile.

“Okay,” I responded, gaping at her.

I was happy, beyond happy to see her, but I couldn’t believe she was here. I wasn’t sure how she had gotten here.

“Explain,” I said.

“I think I’m the one who should be asking you to explain, young lady,” she said sternly.

I just laughed. “Don’t even try it, Carol. You’re not a very convincing bad cop.”

She frowned. “Just be happy that I’m so excited to see you, I can’t yell at you over that fact that you kept a whole baby a secret from me.”

“I…” I started and stopped, feeling guilty. “It’s complicated,” I finally said.

She squeezed my hand. “Understatement of the century, Amy,” she said.

I laughed then sat, only realizing a moment later that my mother had stood.

I turned, looked at her, saw a fleeting flash of pain on her face before she quickly wiped it away.