I laughed and hugged her before I pulled back and looked into her eyes.

“No, I prefer we not argue. It’s just…”

She gave me an understanding nod. “I get it. It’s confusing for me too, but there are some things that are certain and undeniable. If this involves Crystal, involves what happened to her, then there’s no question, no argument. I can’t promise you that it will always be that way, but in this, there’s nothing to argue about.”

I nodded, then hugged her again.

“Thank you,” I said, suddenly feeling emotional.

“For what?” she asked.

I didn’t answer at first. Instead, I kissed her, held her in my arms, then pulled back and met her eyes. “For everything.”

She gave me a soft smile, and before I let myself get further distracted, I left.

“Where are we heading?” I said to Elias once I reentered the other apartment.

“You got permission to leave?” he asked, a smile on his face,

“Very funny. Where are we going?”

“London,” he said.

* * *


The trip was quick,but probably because I was so distracted.

Knowing that Raphael was gone, and at whose hands, had been satisfying, but this…

This was going to be better.

Raphael was dirt, lower than dirt, but I could at least say he had some degree of ignorance. He wasn’t of this world and didn’t understand the rules, at least not completely.

But the man who had backed him…

He had no such excuse, and I would keep that in mind as I meted out his well-deserved justice.

“You have a place?” I asked Elias.

“Of course. Everything’s been taken care of. All we need to do is finish this,” he said.

I nodded, and the rest of the ride through the dark streets passed in silence.

I recognized the place, having been here before, but under different circumstances.

When I’d come the first time, I’d been worried, terrified, so I hadn’t really paid attention. My impression then had been that it was gaudy, cheap, not that I would ordinarily judge or even care about such things.

Still, even now, with clear eyes, I could see that my initial impression had been correct.

And I marveled at how the place managed to stay open.

I’d seen more than three drug deals go down, done in plain sight and sloppy.

I didn’t judge people for how they made their money, but the Roys were lax, and that would eventually come back to bite them.

Well, not all of them.