

“Have we scouted the place sufficiently?”I asked a couple of days later.

“Do you know when you’re nervous you ask dumb questions?” Elias said.

I rolled my eyes. “Fuck off.”

“Is Isaac there?” Elias asked Dominic, one of our lieutenants, who was sitting in the front seat.

“We’ve spotted him,” Dominic said.

“Is he alone?”

“No, he is not,” came Dominic’s answer.

I was curious, excited, hopeful that some of the thirst for blood would be quenched today.

We parked in front of what looked to be an abandoned slaughterhouse, and I looked at Elias, saw his slight smile.

“You know this is a little unusual,” he said, looking out the rearview mirror.

I looked too and spotted the SUV that was behind us, then shrugged.

“Everything about this is unusual,” I said.

Dominic parked, and Elias and I got out of the vehicle.

“Isaac is inside,” Dominic said.

I walked next to my brother, anticipation sending my blood to a near fever pitch. But I pushed that down, trying to maintain a facade of calm.

“Elias, Davit,” Isaac said when we entered.

“Isaac,” I responded, nodding at him.

“As I said, I come bearing gifts,” he said.

I looked and saw five men lined up, their hands tied behind their backs, kneeling in the dirt.

“Who are they?”

“Some very stupid former associates of mine who saw an opportunity to make some money,” Isaac said. “For that, they will answer to you.”

I wasted no time.

The five shots came in rapid succession, and their bodies folded, landing on the concrete floor with satisfying thuds.

“Can you take care of those? Or will you need assistance?” Isaac asked.

“They will be taken care of. But I hope you have more than that,” I said.

“Of course,” Isaac responded.

He snapped his fingers, and a door opened.

“I believe you already know him,” Isaac said as two men walked out.