

“So,how is the heartwarming reunion going?” Elias asked.

At Amethyst’s insistence, I hadn’t been there when she was meeting with her mother. I hadn’t questioned her about that, though it stung a little. Still, she needed to do this her way, and I wouldn’t interfere.

I’d checked on Crystal and told Kayla she was fine to leave and had gotten updates from the men who were following them.

“From what I hear, there were some tears. But no screaming or fighting yet, and they are back in the apartment,” I said, though I had given my men strict orders to keep them in sight and to intervene at the faintest hint that Amethyst was in distress.

“And why do we have Crystal?” he asked, reaching down to her play mat to tug the baby’s foot before looking back up at me.

“I thought I’d give them some privacy. And Amethyst isn’t sure she’s ready for her mother to meet the baby,” I said.

I’d planned to say more but was interrupted by Crystal’s wail.

Elias recoiled, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the sheer terror on his face.

“What do you need to do for her?” Elias practically screamed.

“Get her changed and down for a nap. Then I’ll be back,” I said.

“All right. Handle it. I’ll be here,” he said, smoothing his hands down his shirt in an attempt to regain his dignity.

I laughed and then grabbed Crystal and took her back across the hall and walked past the two women who were now sitting in the living area.

Neither looked at me, and I kept Crystal shielded from view, but I stared at Amethyst and saw that she was okay.

I smiled down at Crystal, then changed her, made sure she was settled.

“You okay?” I asked Amethyst after Crystal was down.

She looked over at me and nodded. “I’m fine. You can go if you need to,” she said.

I nodded at her mother and then went back across the hall.

“You ready for business?” Elias asked.

“Always,” I responded.

“So what have you decided about our other problem?” he said.

“I want to see what Isaac’s gift is,” I said.

“So you’re going to let this go?”

“Of course not. I want everyone who had even thought to harm my family to die.”

“But?” Elias said.

“But I want to make sure it’s the right people who suffer,” I said.

Elias nodded. “What else?”

“You think there’s something else?” I asked.

He snorted. “I don’t think it. I know it.”