

“Davit,that’s not a very funny thing to joke about,” I finally said.

It had taken a long while before I could even speak. And though I had, I wasn’t sure I had fully processed his words.

“You know I wouldn’t joke about this,” he whispered.

I did, but what he had just said was impossible.

“That woman, that person you thought you saw before. It was her,” he said.

“I… Tell me…”

I was stammering, knew I sounded foolish, but there was nothing I could do about it. My mind was spinning, my thoughts completely a mess.

Davit left the room and came back with a drink before I’d even noticed he was gone.

“Have this,” he said, shoving the glass into my hand.

“I’ll have to dump my milk,” I said, sounding distant, though I was grateful to have something so mundane to latch my mind onto.

“That’s fine. Now drink,” he said.

I did, for once grateful for the burn of the alcohol sliding down my throat. The little sting made this moment more real, made it impossible for me to pretend this wasn’t happening.

The second swallow reinforced that feeling and gave me the strength to look at Davit. “Go ahead,” I said.

He stared at me for a moment and then started. “While you were…gone, she came to us.”

“How did she even know who you were?” I asked.

“She’d been following you. And…after you were taken, she decided to reveal herself,” he said.

“And you believed her?” I asked.

“No. But her fingerprints match your mother’s. I wanted to wait to do the DNA test before I said anything to you,” he said.

“But you talked to her without those results?” she said.

He nodded. “I went with my gut. And my gut told me she was telling the truth.”

“And what did she tell you?” I asked. But then I fell back against the bed.

“What is it?” Davit asked, looking alarmed.

“I’m talking to you like this is even possible.”

“It’s not just possible, Amethyst. It’s happening,” he said.

My mind was swirling.

I closed my eyes, tried to gather my thoughts.

After a deep breath, I looked at him. “Tell me everything.”

“Your father married her for money. When he found your grandfather wouldn’t give it up so easily, he got rid of her. Stuck her in a mental institution in Mexico. She broke out and was trying to build up the courage to talk to you after she found you.”